When I got to the DRBC June 2006 flood page, I scrolled down to the link for photographs and found this photograph . Note that the floodwaters go almost up to the top of the arches on the “first floor” of the inn at Lambertville Station. Pretty impressive. The place where I was standing to take the photographs of the Lambertville-New Hope Bridge was probably in about eight feet of water. At least this is my guesstimate.
Speaking of the bridge, I read in one of the local papers recently that there was a possibility that there was some damage from debris to the bridge in the River. I have to say that having seen the river a day after both the June 2006 floods and the April 2005 floods, that I saw some pretty impressive trees floating in the River. Really big trees. So, I am not surprised about the possibility of damage to the bridge. This to is something that I want to follow-up on and will write about here. Speaking of debris, apparently one of the issues that the folk in the towns along the River (and others) is the issue of debris in the creeks that flow into the River. There is a creek a couple of blocks south of the Lambertville Station called the Swan Creek. The Swan Creek flooded, and if there is any debris in the creek from either the Sept. 2004 or the April 2005 floods, then I can only imagine that this could of made the Swan Creek flooding worse.
We went for a walk this past Sunday, about 2 miles north on the canal that is about one city block in from the River. We passed two places where there were bridge abutments, sorry no pictures yet (to be honest, I was so hot, I couldn’t deal with standing in the sun to take pictures). The first was when an old railroad crossed the canal on elevated track. The second was another bridge where some sort of creek with a small waterfall met the canal. At both bridges, I saw a large amount of what I call tree litter, branches of various sizes. When it cools down a little, I am going to go back and take some pictures. Again, stay tuned.

In closing, one picture I did take last Sunday was a picture of the Lambertville-New Hope Bridge. This picture shows the River at more or less “normal” level. If you look closely, you will see a little bit of dirt around the bridge abutments. If you go back to my July 7 entry, you won't see any dirt around the bridge abutments.
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