Speaking of Mt. Wilson, the website that I have referred you to for updates on how the station fire is affecting Mt. Wilson is written by staff of the Observatory, including the director. They write of the aerial assault near Mt. Wilson. The retardant lines laid by these airtankers. In addition to benefiting Mt. Wilson, these retardant drops were laid in hopes of keeping the fire out of Big Santa Anita Canyon, Sierra Madre, and Monrovia. I encourage you to visit their fire webpage for their impressions of seeing this aerial assault up close and personal as well as ground operations. They also have a picture page with some awesome photos of airtankers up close and personal. I was interested in the photo of one of Minden's SP-2H tankers, as I have never seen a photo of one of their tankers.
In closing, I'd like to offer these observations that an aviator friend, who has flown fires in southern california offered very early this morning (about 5AM, my time):
The fire continues burning to the East. We're at 154,655 acres and a good hold is on the Western flanks. The Eastern portion is being handled as best they can, but there is minimal access to the area. That means tankers, helo's and a VERY long hike for the handcrews.September 8, 2014: dead links removed
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