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Saturday, July 06, 2013

Granite MT Hotshot Procession: Phoenix to Prescott on July 7

The caskets holding the 19 Granite MT Hotshots will process from Phoenix to Prescott with motorcycle escorts for each hearse starting Sunday, July 7 at 11:15 AM MST. (As I understand it Phoenix does have daylight savings time so I think Phoenix is three hours behind EDT). An honor guard will accompany each fallen firefighter. AZ residents may find the escort route with locations for public viewing information from this article on the YarnellFallenFirefightersSite. For those that are interested, I think that this will be streamed on various Phoenix Media, for example 12NBC and CBS5 KPHO in Phoenix. Info on live stream from KPHO may be found here, and their stream may be accessed at I heard that 12NewsNBC will also have a live stream, but have no specific info on how to access their stream other then directing you to If I have my time zones figured out correctly this translates to 2:15 PM EDT. There are other news outlets in Phoenix, I've only followed those two. Perhaps the national news outlets will pick up on this as well?

I came across the following tribute to wildland firefighters by Patrick Karnahan today and thought that I'd share it with you as we reflect on the loss of the nineteen Granite Mountain Hotshots. You will not be forgotten.

direct link to video

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