A NJ State Police Helicopter rescued two firefighters in the Passaic River, near a dam on the river on the edge of the Passaic Falls. The firefighters were in their boat trying to rescue three contractors working on trees near the river, the contractors got out but the firefighter's boat became stranded. There was a little drama, someone was lowered from the helicopter and brought up one firefighter. But rescuing the second firefighter was a little more difficult requiring the helicopter to make two more passes before the second firefighter was rescued. For those who are so inclined, CBS New York posted a 20 minute video showing the rescue as it happened. I am sharing a two minute report about the rescue also from CBS New York. I learned of this dramatic rescue from friends with the New Jersey Forest Fire Service Section B10 who shared the longer video the other day. North Jersey dot com has a June 29th article (with videos and pictures) about this rescue that may be found here.
I have blogged about aerial wildland firefighting since 2009. I am not a firefighter and am not a pilot, just an interested bystander who wants to learn more and share what I learn here. Join me here as I blog on the aircraft and the pilots who fight wildland fires from the air in support of crews on the ground. I also blog on concerns affecting fire crews on the ground as well as other aviation and meteorology issues. Learn what it takes to do jobs that are staffed by the best of the best.
Pages on this Blog
Friday, June 30, 2023
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
2023 Wildfire Season: Canada's Worst Fireseason Ever
I was interested in the very bad wildfire season in Canada, so I wrote this on June 26th. I was not sure if or how I should follow up until I went to the New Jersey Forest Fire Service Section B10 webpage where they post videos relating to wildland firefighting and related issues each day. Today I saw a video report on YouTube from the Canadian Broadcast Service, CBC News uploaded on or about June 27th reporting that this is the worst wildfire season ever in Canada. I share this here, and my heart goes out to Canada, firefighters and citizens, as they deal with these massive wildfires.
Monday, June 26, 2023
2023 Wildfire Season: Massive Wildfires in Canada Continue
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Obtained on June 26, 2023 from https://cwfis.cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/maps/fm3?type=tri&year=2023&month=6&day=26 |
About once or twice a week I see an article about the wildfires burning in Canada, today I saw this article from the Express and Star reporting on wildfire smoke from Canada drifting towards the United Kingdom. I was curious both about the extent of these wildfires, so I went to the Canadian Wildfire Information System. They have lots of information so if you are curious about a larger view of the current wildfire situation in Canada this is one site where you may go. I suspect that each Province has their own forest fire website and I will leave you to your own devices to find those sites if you are interested. Anyway, I found a hotspot map on the Canadian Wildfire Information System website dated today, June 26th which I shared above with a link.
I was curious about some numbers for the wildfires that have burned in Canada this year. I found a report, dated June 21st (what you see may be different if you access the report later). These reports appear to be updated weekly and you may find three months worth of archived reports in the appropriate link. According to the June 21st report there have been 2,765 wildfires year to date burning 5,958,026 hectares (14,722,603 acres). The ten year year to date average is 2,068 wildfires burning 393.746 hectares (979,968 acres). The Canadian Interagency Fire Center (CIFFC) -- similar to the Inciweb Incident Management System in the U.S. -- has a clickable map that you may access.
At the time of this report, aircraft, personnel, and equipment have been mobilized to Alberta, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Northwest Territories, and CIFFC from across Canada. There are American, Australian, New Zealand, South African, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Mexican, Chilean, and Costa Rican personnel active in Canada, with additional personnel from Australia, and New Zealand, Mexico, and the United States anticipated.
Friday, June 23, 2023
Friday Fun: DC-10 Tanker 911 visits LAX
For Friday Fun, I am embedding a video from LA Flights, according to their YouTube channel they have been engaged in plane spotting at Los Angeles International Airport for at least 15 years. Recently they spotted Tanker 911, a DC-10 tanker from 10 Tanker. I was not aware of the age of this DC-10, she is 48 years old. I enjoyed this video and their commentary as they spotted Tanker 911, they seemed to be excited at seeing her. The video is a little over seven minutes long.
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
2023 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Two Recent Wildfires in Burlington County Caused by Lightning
Direct link to video from CBS Philadelphia on YouTube
As most of you know, the New Jersey Forest Fire Service along with other State and Federal Wildfire agencies and the like conduct investigations into the causes of wildfires. The New Jersey Forest Fire Service recently concluded investigations into the causes of two recent wildfires in Burlington County, the Flatiron Wildfire that burned 220 acres in Medford Township in early June and the Acorn Hill Wildfire that burned 246 acres in the Brendon J. Byrne State Forest on June 19th and 20th. Both of these wildfires were caused by lightning, according to the New Jersey Forest Fire Services (see below), wildfires caused by lightning are uncommon in New Jersey.
New Jersey Advance Media reports on these two wildfires sparked by lightning in a June 21st article.
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
2023 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Acorn Hill Wildfire (Burlington County) is Contained
Yesterday evening, June 19th, I wrote about the Acorn Hill Wildfire burning in the Brendon J. Byrne State Forest in Burlington County, New Jersey. Good news, the New Jersey Forest Fire Service reported earlier this morning that this 246 acre fire is at 100 percent containment (fire line completed around the fire). News 12 New Jersey filed a report a short time ago that may be found on this web page. CBS Philadelphia recently updated their reporting on this fire, I found their report here.
Monday, June 19, 2023
2023 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Acorn Hill Wildfire (Burlington County, Brendon J. Byrne State Forest)
June 19, 6:30 PM
Direct link to video from CBS Philadelphia on YouTube
Here we go again. There is another major wildfire burning in New Jersey. The Acorn Hill Wildfire was reported this afternoon near Coopers Rd. in the Brendon J. Byrne State Forest. At the time that I am writing this at 6:30 PM, the New Jersey Forest Fire Service (NJFFS) is reporting that the 200 acre wildfire is at 60 percent containment. NJFSS crews are doing backfiring operations.
Juneteenth: Blacks in Aviation
Friday, June 16, 2023
Friday Fun: Flying the Fire Boss
For Friday Fun, this is an eighteen minute video from the AOPA's Air Safety Institute about flying an Air Tractor Fire Boss. I am not a pilot, but I did learn a lot from this video. I hope you enjoy it.
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
What NWS Incident Meteorologists (IMETs) from an IMET
One of the wildfire social media sites that I check out periodically is the Facebook page of the US National Weather Service IMET, they also have a page on Twitter, NWS IMET Operations. The US National Weather Service (NWS) has a nice Fire Weather webpage with links to fire weather information including National Weather Service fire weather outlooks, a forecast map and link to other fire information.
The video that I embedded above is from ABC15 Arizona about a Meteorologist in the NWS Flagstaff Weather Forecast office, Rickey, who is an IMET, "predicting weather: a day in the life of an incident meteorologist."
The IMET office posts about IMET deployments and other related news on these social media pages. I am not aware of any IMET deployments, but it is always possible that I have missed something. The NWS has a nice article called "Eyes on the Sky: A Day in the Life of an Incident Meteorologist (IMET) on the Front Lines of a Wildfire." This article has been around for a couple of years or so, and I find it very useful as a refresher about what IMETs do, here is an excerpt introducing what IMETs do and why:
Meteorologists from NWS work on the front lines to support agencies who prevent and fight wildfires, collaborating closely with state and local fire control agencies, as well as the Forest Service and other federal agencies.Wildfires are not weather. However, weather conditions influence how easily a fire may start, how quickly it spreads and where the fire (and smoke) will move. Lightning strikes in dry areas are a common cause of these fires.Incident Meteorologists (IMETs) help keep the fire crews safe by enabling responders to plan operations taking into account one of the most variable aspects of the incident — the weather. They are NWS Forecasters who have been specially trained and certified to provide weather support at a fire location.IMETs keep firefighters safe by interpreting weather information, assessing its effect on the fire and communicating it to fire crews. Once on-site, IMETs become key members of the incident command teams and provide continuous meteorological support for the duration of the incident.
Monday, June 12, 2023
2023 New Jersey Wildfire Season: City Line and Buzby Boggs Wildfires Contained
I have been following two major wildfires that burned in Burlington County over the weekend, the Buzby Boggs and the City Line Wildfires. See for example my posts of June 10th and my post of June 11th for earlier updates on these wildfires. The City Line Wildfire was reported on the afternoon of June 9th and the Buzby Boggs Wildfire was reported later that night, see my June 9th post where I first reported on these wildfires.
The good news is the New Jersey Forest Fire Service (NJFFS) crews with the assistance of local fire companies, police departments, other first responders and the assistance of the community providing food and drinks have contained both fires. Someone in the know commented to me last week that working these wildfires is a team effort. I have seen that effort as reported by following NJFFS press conferences and media briefings and local press coverage for these and other Wildfires. I have seen that NJFFS staff and fire fighters are always quick to acknowledge and thank local fire companies assisting in structure protection and other assistance, police departments for traffic control among other things, first aid squads who are on sight just in case, and other first responders I am not naming. In addition the NJFFS always acknowledges the support of local residents near the wildfires for providing food, drinks, and a place to cool off during the hot weather or warm up during cool weather. Thanks to all for your service and keeping us safe.
For both wildfires, As stated in the status updates that I embedded here, New Jersey Forest Fire Service crews "will remain on scene and continue to monitor control lines and address areas of concern until significant precipitation occurs to ensure public safety." If you click more on both of the status updates you can see some photos from each fire.
The City Line Wildfire burned 850 acres and is at 100 percent containment.
The Buzby Boggs Wildfire is also at 100 percent containment having burned 700 acres.
Sunday, June 11, 2023
2023 New Jersey Wildfire Season: City Line and Buzby Boggs Wildfires (Burlington County), June 11th
June 11th, 12:35 PM
The New Jersey Forest Fire Services assisted by local fire companies and other first responders continue to fight the City Line and Buzby Boggs Wildfires in Burlington County, see my June 10th post for earlier updates on both wildfires. CBS Philadelphia has a report on these wildfires late last night that may be found here.
New Jersey Forest Fire Crews (NJFFS) continue to work the City Line Wildfire, the status is unchanged from last night (850 acres burned at 90 percent containment.
The efforts of the NJFFS assisted by mutual aid has resulted in an increase in containment of the Buzby Boggs Wildfire to 90 percent containment this morning, up from 65 percent containment yesterday night.
Saturday, June 10, 2023
2023 New Jersey Wildfire Season: City Line and Buzby Boggs Wildfires (Burlington County), June 10th
June 10th, 9:18 PM
Earlier this evening the New Jersey Forest Fire Service (NJFFS) provided updates on progress made in containing the City Line and Buzby Boggs Wildfires.
NJFFS crews made a great deal of progress in containing the City Line Fire that has burned 850 acres in the Brendon J. Byrne State Forest. Local roads in the forest are reopened.
Scroll down for earlier updates.
The Buzby Boggs Fire acreage burned is up to 700 acres and is at 65 percent containment. No structures are threatened. Great job New Jersey Forest Fire Crews and local fire companies for providing structure protection. Local road closures remain in place.
June 10th, 11:50 AM
Direct link to video from CBS Philadelphia on YouTube
Before I get to the status of the two fires. If you watch the media briefing, at about the 9 minute 20 second mark Assistant Fire Warden Bill Donnelly discusses the three phases of working a wildfire used by the New Jersey Forest Fire Service: containment, control, and declaring the fire out. Right now they are working on containing the City Line and the Buzby Boggs Fires, that is stopping the forward progress of the fire. A fire is contained when there are either man made lines or natural lines (water) or existing roads to box in or surround the fire in (100 percent containment). The next step is controlling the fire. The fire is not declared out until the fire is 100 percent extinguished, under current weather conditions this could take a few weeks. {Note any errors are mine, if you are interested please listen to the appropriate portion of the media briefing for detailed information.
I watched the end of a live stream from CBS Philadelphia of the10 AM media briefing by the New Jersey Forest Fire Service where they discussed the current status of the City Line and the Buzby Boggs Wildfires, both burning in Burlington County. However, I missed the pertinent portion of the briefing where NJFFS officials discussed the status of each fire. Fortunately, I just found a video on YouTube of this media briefing that I have shared. In addition, Fox29 Philadelphia posted a report on the fire after the media briefing (with fire footage) that may be found here.
The City Line Fire has burned 850 acres in the Brendon J. Byrne State Forest and is currently at 50 percent containment. No structures are threatened and roads within the State Forest may be closed. See my June 9th post for earlier updates.
The Buzby Boggs Fire has burned 600 acres and is also at 50 percent containment with a road closure in the vicinity of the fire. Four or five structures are threatened, I believe but am not sure they are private residences. According to the media briefing, there are five residences threatened (not four) and residents in threatened houses are sheltering in place with structure protection provided by local fire companies. See this post on the Buzby Boggs fire for earlier updates.
2023 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Buzby Boggs Wildfire (Evesham, Burlington County)
Direct link to video on YouTube from CBS Philadelphia
There are now two wildfires burning in Burlington County, the City Line Fire (350 acres, 20% containment) and the Buzby Boggs Wildfire that was reported yesterday evening in Evesham in Burlington County. According to the latest update from the New Jersey Forest Fire Service (NJFFS) issued late last night the fire has burned 60 acres, four structures are threatened and the fire is not contained. There are road closures in the area.
I hope to have an update on this fire and the City Line Fire after the NJFFS updates their social media accounts with the status of the two fires. Look for an update later this morning, hopefully with some revised media coverage.
Friday, June 09, 2023
2023 New Jersey Wildfire Season: City Line Wildfire (Burlington County, Brendon J Byrne State Forest)
June 10th, 9:10 AM
I am hoping to see an update from the New Jersey Forest Fire Service (NJFFS) about that status of the City Line Fire later this morning. When the NJFFS issues a status update on social media then I will provide an update, hopefully with updated media coverage as well. I just found out about a second wildfire, also in Burlington County, the Buzby Boggs Wildfire that has burned 60 acres in Evesham, is not contained, and four structures are threatened.
June 9th, 9:00 PM
The New Jersey Forest Fire Service is making progress fighting the City Line Wildfire in Brendon J. Byrne State Forest. The fire has grown to 350 acres and is 20 percent contained. Crews will continue to do backfiring operations through the night to burn fuel ahead of the main fire. Road closures in the vicinity of the fire are in effect. Two structures are threatened. CBS News Philadelphia reported on the fire a short time ago.
WILDFIRE UPDATE: Brendan T Byrne State Forest - City Line Wildfire - Browns Mills, Burlington County@njdepforestfire is making progress to contain a wildfire burning in the area of City Line Road and Butler Place Road.
— New Jersey Forest Fire Service (@njdepforestfire) June 10, 2023
The wildfire is 350 acres in size and is 20% contained. pic.twitter.com/jagqRwUyU1
June 9th, 5:10 PM
I just learned about the City Line Wildfire that was reported earlier this afternoon. At the time I am writing this, the fire has burned 85 acres in the Brendon J. Byrne State Forest in Burlington County. The fire is not contained. Two structures are threatened.
2023 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Small Brush Fire in Mahwah (Bergen County) NJ contained
I often say that there are often at least a few small brush fires that burn each day in New Jersey, and that I have no information on these incidents. When I was watching the New Jersey Forest Fire Service (NJFFS) press conference about the Glory Fire on the morning of June 8th, towards the end of the press conference NJFFS Chief McLaughlin said in response to a reporters question on other wildfire activity that "90 percent of the wildfires in New Jersey are under five acres." I was engaging in my morning routine of checking weather, New Jersey broadcast media, and social media when I got lucky and found a short report on News 12 New Jersey reporting on a small brush fire on Split Rock Road in the northern Bergen County town of Mahwah. Split Rock Road sits quite close to the New Jersey-New York border. I do not usually find reports on small brush fires such as this one on local media, so I am taking the opportunity to share about this fire here.
News 12 New Jersey reported on the Split Rock brush fire in a June 9th report that includes video footage of wildland fire crews descending out of the forest after containing the fire. Crews from New Jersey and New York were working this fire which may have started at night on May 8th but may not have been reported when the fire broke out due to smoke and haze in the area. A citizen reported the fire early in the morning of June 9th. Crews came and quickly put out the fire. Crews will remain to work on hot spots.
Thanks to the citizen who reported this brush fire early this morning and for the fire crews who quickly responded and were able to quickly put out this fire.
Wednesday, June 07, 2023
2023 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Glory Fire is Contained.
I have been following the Glory Fire that was first reported yesterday afternoon in Jackson Township, NJ. At one time, thirty structures were threatened with structure protection being provided by local fire companies. The fire is no at 100 percent containment having burned 82 acres. See my early posts on June 6th and the morning of June 7th for more information. Nice job everyone! Thanks to the crews of the New Jersey Forest Fire Service, local fire companies, first responders, and the support of the community for your work on containing this fire. If you click more on the status update you will see some photographs of this wildfire.
2023 New Jersey Wildfire Season: June 7th, Elevated Risk for Fire Spread and Air Quality Alert
While fire weather conditions in New Jersey have improved a little since yesterday's (June 6th) Red Flag Warning, the National Weather Service at Mt. Holly issued a Special Weather Statement on the elevated risk for fire spread. As we have been a tad dry for the three to five weeks, I am not surprised to see that we remain under an elevated risk for fire spread.
Speaking of Red Flag Warnings, I have to concede that while I am pretty good at following my National Weather Service Forecast Office in Mt. Holly for daily weather forecasts as well as their fire weather forecasts and Red Flag Warnings, it was not until yesterday afternoon that I fully realized how well publicized Red Flag Warnings are. That is I was reminded by someone in the know about fire weather that broadcast media and other media mention Red Flag Warnings in their daily forecasts and that local fire companies are alerted to Red Flag Warnings. While I am not in a position to know when Red Flag Warning alerts are sent to local fire companies, Red Flag Warnings and other warnings and advisories issued by the National Weather Service are easily available if you know where to look. So I am changing my daily routine to check in with local broadcast media in addition the NWS for my daily weather forecasts. I also started checking in daily with the weather app on my smart phone which links to what they call alerts from the NWS. Todays alerts on my weather app included the special weather statement below as well as an air quality alert due to smoke from the wildfires in Canada.
Air quality will be very poor today due to the smoke and haze from wildfires in Canada. It is recommend to limit time and any exertion outdoors. Wearing a mask may help limit irritation of the respiratory system if you must spend time outdoors today. #PAwx #NJwx #DEwx #MDwx pic.twitter.com/A4EgSHFbL3
— NWS Mount Holly (@NWS_MountHolly) June 7, 2023
2023 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Glory Wildfire in Jackson Twshp (Ocean County): June 7th Update
June 7th, 9:20 AM
I continue to follow the Glory Fire that I first wrote about on June 6th. New Jersey Forest Fire Service (NJFFS) crews and crews from local fire companies worked overnight fighting the Glory Fire and protecting homes in Jackson Township, Ocean County New Jersey. The latest update on this fire is that the fire has burned 70 acres and is 70 percent contained, NJFFS did backfiring operations last night to "protect surrounding homes and burn fuel ahead of the main body of fire. Fifteen structures remain threatened down from 30 last night. News 12 New Jersey is among the media that has been reporting on the Glory fire, their latest report with video may be found here. Also reporting on this fire is CBS Philadelphia with an update this morning (June 7th).
Tuesday, June 06, 2023
2023 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Glory Wildfire in Jackson Twshp (Ocean County)
June 6th, 10 PM
The New Jersey Forest Fire is reporting that the Glory Fire burning in Jackson Township, New Jersey has grown to 50 acres and is not contained. Thirty structures are threatened with local fire companies providing structure protection.
June 6th, 7:45 PM
CBS3 Philadelphia had a live stream of the NJ Forest Fire Service (NJFFS) Press Conference. I watched the press conference and took notes for you. Any errors are mine. The fire is called the Glory Fire and has burned approximately 30 acres, the NJFFS expects the fire to burn about 100 acres and are hoping that they can make good progress in containing the fire tonight. There are road closures in the area. When the NJ Forest Fire Service crews arrived they found the fire burning in an inaccessible location. The primary concern is that 30 homes are threatened, but there are no evacuation orders. New Jersey Forest Fire crews are putting in control lines around the homes, at least one dozer is on the fire, and they will be doing back burns to contain and control the fire. Local fire companies from Jackson Township and near by towns in Ocean and Monmouth counties are assisting with structure protection.
After I wrote the above paragraph, I found the video of the NJFFS press conference on the Glory Fire on YouTube, courtesy of CBS3 in Philadelphia.
Direct link to video from CBS Philadelphia on YouTube
June 6th 6:30 PM
This just in. As I write this, most of New Jersey continues to be under a Red Flag Warning until 8 PM this evening. The NJ Forest Fire Service is having a press conference to provide updates on this fire at 7 PM in Jackson Township. I am going to try to find a live stream of this coverage and will report back here if I am successful, otherwise I will post media updates later tonight.
Some freely available media coverage on this fire:
2023 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Red Flag Warning (June 6th)
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Obtained on June 6, 2023 from https://www.weather.gov/phi/ |
URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 349 AM EDT Tue Jun 6 2023 ...CRITICAL FIRE WEATHER CONDITIONS EXPECTED TODAY... .Low fuel moistures, low daytime relative humidity values, and breezy conditions will result in critical fire weather conditions into this afternoon and evening. Any fires that develop may quickly get out of control and become difficult to contain. There is also a chance of isolated dry thunderstorms, which could serve as an ignition source for fires today. NJZ001-007>010-012>027-PAZ054-055-060>062-070-071-101>106-070000- /O.UPG.KPHI.FW.A.0003.230606T1500Z-230607T0000Z/ /O.NEW.KPHI.FW.W.0006.230606T1500Z-230607T0000Z/ Sussex-Warren-Morris-Hunterdon-Somerset-Middlesex- Western Monmouth-Eastern Monmouth-Mercer-Salem-Gloucester-Camden- Northwestern Burlington-Ocean-Cumberland-Atlantic-Cape May- Atlantic Coastal Cape May-Coastal Atlantic-Coastal Ocean- Southeastern Burlington-Carbon-Monroe-Berks-Lehigh-Northampton- Delaware-Philadelphia-Western Chester-Eastern Chester- Western Montgomery-Eastern Montgomery-Upper Bucks-Lower Bucks- 349 AM EDT Tue Jun 6 2023 ...RED FLAG WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM THIS MORNING TO 8 PM EDT THIS EVENING FOR GUSTY WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA, INCLUDING THE LEHIGH VALLEY AND POCONO PLATEAU, SOUTHERN AND CENTRAL NEW JERSEY, AND PORTIONS OF NORTHERN NEW JERSEY... The National Weather Service in Mount Holly has issued a Red Flag Warning for gusty winds and low relative humidity, which is in effect from 11 AM this morning to 8 PM EDT this evening. The Fire Weather Watch is no longer in effect. * AFFECTED AREA...Sussex, Warren, Morris, Hunterdon, Somerset, Middlesex, Western Monmouth, Eastern Monmouth, Mercer, Salem, Gloucester, Camden, Northwestern Burlington, Ocean, Cumberland, Atlantic, Cape May, Atlantic Coastal Cape May, Coastal Atlantic, Coastal Ocean, Southeastern Burlington, Carbon, Monroe, Berks, Lehigh, Northampton, Delaware, Philadelphia, Western Chester, Eastern Chester, Western Montgomery, Eastern Montgomery, Upper Bucks and Lower Bucks. * TIMING...Tuesday morning through Tuesday evening. * WINDS...Northwest 10 to 15 mph with gusts up to 25 mph. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY...As low as 25 percent. * TEMPERATURES...In the mid 70s to low 80s. * IMPACTS...The combination of very dry conditions, low humidity, and gusty winds will result in favorable conditions for the rapid spread of fires on Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly due to a combination of strong winds, low relative humidity, and dry fuels. Any fires that develop may quickly get out of control and become difficult to contain. For more information about wildfire danger, burn restrictions, and wildfire prevention and education, please visit your state forestry or environmental protection website. && $$ Staarmann |
Monday, June 05, 2023
2023 Wildfire Season: Footage of a Wildfire Near White River, Ontario (May 31st?)
I decided over the weekend to get back to looking at some social media groups focusing on aerial wildland firefighting. I was doing so this morning when I saw some interesting footage on YouTube of a wildfire near White River, Ontario, Canada shot be Peterborough Scanner Feed on or about May 31st. It looks like the videographer shot this footage fairly soon after the fire was first reported, their account of reporting the fire is interesting.
You might want to go and read about this video before watching this video. The video is just under 18 minutes. A little long, but I did enjoy the video and the footage of some helos, fire observation planes and a Canadair 415 Super Scooper. You will see several shots of the Super Scooper flying over and then dropping on the fire. The Canadair 415 is part of Ontario's fleet of aircraft, they have an aviation page with some information about their fleet.
Sunday, June 04, 2023
2023 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Flatiron Fire (Burlington County) contained
The New Jersey Forest Fire Service (NJFFS) provided an update on the Flatiron Fire. The fire burned 210 acres and was 100 percent contained on June 3 at 6 PM. Nice job and thanks to the NJFFS for working the fire and thanks to the local fire department from Medford Township and other nearby towns for providing structure protection. It has been a busy few days for firefighters in Burlington County. If you click more on the update you will see some photographs of this wildfire.
Saturday, June 03, 2023
2023 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Allen Road Fire (Bass River State Forest) Contained
Good news! The Allen Road Fire that burned 5,475 acres in Bass River State Forest in Burlington County has reached 100 percent containment. NJ Forest Fire Service (NJFFS) will continue to work the fire to clean up any hot spots and monitor the control lines. Nice work NJFFS crews, local fire companies, police and other first responders for working this fire or providing assistance to the crews. Thanks to the residents of near by communities for providing food, water, etc. to the crews.
2023 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Flatiron Fire (Burlington) and Allen Rd Fire (Bass River State Forest)
June 3rd, 12:45 PM
Before I start my afternoon activities outside the house, I went to the NJ Forest Fire Service Facebook page to see if there were any updates about either the Flatiron Fire or the Allen Road Fire. There is an update about the Flatiron Fire which has burned 180 acres and is at 60 percent containment. Four structures are threatened, down from 40 earlier today.
June 3rd, 12:15 PM
Here is a video from CBS Philadelphia of the 10 AM press conference by the New Jersey Forest Fire Service about the Flatiron Fire that is currently burning in Medford in Burlington County, New Jersey in an area of "wildland-urban interface." The fire was reported at 12:04 AM on June 3, it was spreading towards some homes and structure protection was immediately put in place. The NJ Forest Fire Service continues to report that the fire has burned about 120 acres with hopes that it will eventually be contained at 220 acres burned by later today. Local Fire Companies, including from Medford Township, responded via mutual aid to help with structure protection.
They reported that the Allen Road Fire was near 100 percent containment and had burned about 5,950 acres.
My thanks to my friends at the NJ Forest Fire Service Section B10 for alerting me to the YouTube video of the 10 AM NJFFS Press Conference.
Direct link to video from CBS Philadelphia on YouTube
June 3rd, 11:25 AM
At the time I am writing this, there is no change in the Allen Road Fire that has burned 5,000 acres in the Bass River State Forest in Burlington County and is at 80 percent containment, see my June 2nd post for more information.
A new wildfire was reported during the overnight (June 2-3) in Medford NJ also in Burlington County. The New Jersey Forest is reporting that the Flatiron Fire has burned 120 acres at 20 percent containment. Forty homes are threatened. News 12 New Jersey is covering this fire, there update at 9:35 AM on June 3rd may be found here. 6ABC Action News also reported on this fire.
Unfortunately, I only learned of the fire after the New Jersey Forest Fire Service held their press conference at 10 AM, so I was unable to watch via live stream. However, I believe that Fox29 Philadelphia has a report filed after the press conference that may be found here.
Friday, June 02, 2023
2023 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Allen Road Fire (Bass River State Forest): June 2nd update
I provided a few updates on the Allen Road Fire in my June 1st post where you might want to go for some history and some media coverage. As you can see, according to the last available update from the New Jersey Forest Fire Service, the Allen Road Fire in Bass River State Forest remains at 5,000 acres burned. The good news is that containment has risen to 80 percent. No structures are threatened and a couple of roads near the fire remain closed.
2023 Wildfire Season: Nova Scotia (June 2nd)
Direct link to video from CBC National News
I am sharing the latest updates on some of the wildfires in Nova Scotia:
Westwood Hills, Tantallon:
— Natural Resources and Renewables (@NS_DNRR) June 2, 2023
-fire is 50 per cent contained, but still out of control, at an estimated 837 hectares
-firefighters on scene include 40 from DNRR, 100 from HRM and 9 from DND
-air resources include five helicopters and one water bomber from Newfoundland and Labrador
Barrington Lake, Shelburne County:
— Natural Resources and Renewables (@NS_DNRR) June 2, 2023
-fire is still out of control, covering 21,515 hectares (215 square kilometres)
-firefighters about 40 from DNRR and more than 40 volunteer/municipal
-air resources include five helicopters and one water bomber from Newfoundland and Labrador.
The Nova Scotia Division of Natural Resources and Renewables on Twitter has been providing updates on these fires. If you are coming here when these fires are still active and want the latest information please check them out.
For more information, the CBC Nova Scotia has been covering these wildfires, here is a June 2nd article. Included in this report is an one hour video of a June 1, 2023 update from Nova Scotia officials on these wildfires as well as shorter videos on enforcement of burn bans, evacuations, a request from the Nova Scotia Premier, Tim Houston to the federal government in Ottawa to send more resources. Evacuations are still in place as well as school closures. Nova Scotia is offering a one-time payment through the Canadian Red Cross of $500 per household who were evacuated.
Kelly Andersson of Wildfire Today reported on the Nova Scotia wildfires in a June 1st article, he reports that "more than 300 firefighters from the U.S. and South Africa are en route to Canada in the coming days. Some will be sent to Nova Scotia, while others are headed for Alberta."
Thursday, June 01, 2023
2023 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Allen Road Fire (Bass River State Forest)
June 1, 9:45 PM
I am glad to see that it seems like there has been some progress made in fighting the Allen Road Fire, I hope that progress can be maintained. Thanks to the NJ Forest Fire Service and Mutual Aid from nearby towns. For the latest media coverage see 6ABC Action News in Philadelphia.
June 1, 11:45 AM
Here is the latest update from the New Jersey Forest Fire Service. 6ABC Action News in Philadelphia has been covering the Allen Road Fire this morning, link to their latest report (with a video) may be found here. New Jersey Advance Media has an updated report. As you can see, the acreage burned is now 3,100 acres with containment increasing to 15 percent. Evacuations orders are in place for the campground. Six structures continue to be threatened.
June 1, 9:45 AM
June 1, 7:22 AM
The Allen Road Fire was reported the evening of May 31st in Bass River State Forest In Burlington County, New Jersey. Six homes are threatened and a campground is closed. Roads are closed in the area. The last report, see below, is that the fire has burned 120 acres and is not contained. News 12 New Jersey reports on this fire here. You may also want to check coverage of the fire by New Jersey Advance Media in a report published last night and updated this morning.