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Friday, December 29, 2023

2023 Wildfire Season: British Columbia

A video summarizing the very challenging and devastating 2023 Wildfire Season in British Columbia from The BC Wildfire Season. This was the most destructive season in British Columbia history. According to the description on the video page 2,245 wildfires burned at least 2.84 million hectares. The season started early and five wildland firefighters died. Allow just over eleven minutes to watch the video. My condolences go out to the family, colleagues and friends of the wildland firefighters who died. 

I shared this video on my video of the week page for four days, I decided that it was important to acknowledge the devastating 2023 wildfire season in British Columbia in a post that will not be expiring after a week. I do so because I care and want to honor all those who fought these wildfires and the destruction that these wildfires caused.

Direct link to video from the BC Wildfire Service on YouTube

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Coulson Aviation: Meet Joshua Kryzsko

 Meet Joshua Kroyzsko, Coulson Aviation's newest C-130 captain. As I understand it, Joshua is now in South America where he and his crew will be providing air support to the wildland firefighters on the ground. In the reel that I embedded below you will hear Joshua talk about his training and his long flight to South America. Thanks Joshua for all you do. I was able to see the video reel that I embedded below on my smart phone and I hope that you can, apologies if you can not. The direct link to Coulson's Facebook post with this video reel may be found here, you may have to turn on the audio.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Holiday Greetings 2023

My tradition during the end of the year holiday season is to post The Shepard by Frederic Forsyth as read by Alan Maitland on CBC radio. Please join me in pausing and remembering all first responders including but not limited to wildland firefighters who may be away from their families. I wish all of you a happy and safe holiday season.

Direct link to video on YouTube

Friday, December 22, 2023

Names of two occupants of 6ABC Helicopter Crash Id'd

The two occupants, the pilot and photographer who died in the crash of the 6ABC News Helicopter have been identified. The pilot is Monroe Smith (age 67) and the photographer is Christopher Dougherty (age 45). May they rest in peace and fly in favorable winds. My prayers go out to their family, colleagues at 6ABC Philadelphia, friends and all who love them.

Direct link to video from 6ABC Philadelphia

Direct link to video from 6ABC Philadelphia

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

News Helicopter from ABC6 in Philadelphia Crashes in Wharton State Forest

 I was quite saddened to read in NJ Advance Media this morning, Dec 20th, that a News Helicopter from 6ABC in Philadelphia crashed last night in a remote section of Wharton State Forest in New Jersey leaving two dead. My prayers go out to the families of the deceased, their colleagues at 6ABC and all who love them. I understand that the New Jersey Forest Fire Service is assisting at the scene of the crash. According to the report from NJ Advance Media the helicopter crash near Quaker Bridge Atison Road and Mullica River Road in a remote section of Wharton State Forest.

The NJFFS Section B10 Website shared two videos in their daily video postings about the crash, my thanks to my friends at the NJFFS Section B10 for the links to these videos that I am embedding here to share with you.

Direct link to video from Fox43 on YouTube

Direct link to video from 6ABC on YouTube

Monday, December 18, 2023

Turn Around Don't Drown

New Jersey experienced heavy rainfalls overnight, and other areas on the east coast have likely experienced the same heavy rainfall. We have had several instances of flooding and flash flooding in New Jersey of rivers as well as smaller tributaries. I am reminded of "turn around don't drown."Please if you see water crossing the road you are driving on, even if it looks you might be able to get across, turn around and don't drown. Better to be safe and go slightly out of your way then to be sorry.

Link to video from the National Weather Service on YouTube

Friday, December 15, 2023

IMETs: Using NWS Advanced Weather Intearactive Processing (AWIPS) in the field

 I know that the National Weather Service's Weather Forecast Offices, including the NWS Forecast Office in Philadelphia/Mt. Holly that serves my area uses a computer system called Advance Interactive Processing (AWIPS) to assess meteorological data and in their weather forecasting. In the YouTube Video that I am sharing below, you will learn how NWS Incident Meteorologists use AWIPS in the field.

Here is the Facebook post from the US National Weather Service IMET about AWIPS in the cloud.

Here is the YouTube video referenced in the above Facebook post.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Holiday Season Fire Safety

As we continue through the end-of-year holidays I have been thinking about the increase in house fires during the holiday seasons. At the very least, keeping our houses fire safe protects our house and the immediate environs but perhaps an electrical fire caused by malfunctioning outdoor lighting may lead to brush fire in the wildland-urban interface in warmer climates or snowless cooler climates. I found the video that I am embedding below on the holiday fire safety page from the U.S. Fire Administration, the graphics that I share come from the same page. I admit that in years past I may have violated one of the holiday fire safety rules and was lucky that nothing happened. Please be fire safe during this holiday and have a happy a safe holiday season.

Direct link to video from the National Institute of Standards on YouTube

Monday, December 11, 2023

2023 Wildfire Season: Clackamas Crew 30 2023 season

This is the time of year when I like to post videos shot be wildland fire crews highlighting their 2023 season. I like to see what these crews experience and how they decide to use videos to showcase their season. I also get a feel for the personality, if you will of the crew as a whole. 

In the case of the video that I am sharing or embedding today, I got to learn about a wildland firefighting crew that I had not previously known, the Clackamas Crew 30, which I believe is based in the Clackamas Fire District in Oregon. The video is longer then the videos I usually share, at about 20 minutes but I think you will enjoy the video and getting to know the members of the 2023 Clackamas Crew 30

Direct link to video from Cuttin' Chris on YouTube

Friday, December 08, 2023

Friday Fun: Black Hawk Helicopters in Western Australia

As we continue into the holiday season around the world it is winter in the United States and Summer in Australia. Summer in Australia means bushfire season and State of Western Australia has a few tankers and helicopters available to help the firefighters on the ground including two Black Hawk Helicopters that I believe are from Coulson Aviation. Their bushfire season has gotten off to a busy start with 1,611 bushfires since October. I saw this fun video from the Department of Fire and Emergency Services WA which they shared on their Facebook page with some holiday music showing featuring some firefighting helicopters and tankers. Unfortunately, when I embedded the video, I was not able to share the text accompanying the video which should be found here, hit the see more link in the top right to read the full text.

Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Fire Safety: Proper Storage of Cold Ashes

 I do have a fireplace in my house which I have not used in years partly for various reasons. But when I did use the fireplace, I admit to improper storage of the ashes from my fireplace. I used to store them in my garage in a large metal bucket without a lid. I was lucky. I have been thinking about fire safety of late and what I can do as a homeowner so when I saw a post on Facebook from District A1 about the safe storage of cold ashes from you fireplace, woodburning stove or grill I knew what I wanted to post today.

Monday, December 04, 2023

Increase in Development in New Jersey Leading to Increased Risk of Wildfires

In the years that I have been writing this blog on aerial wildland firefighting and related issues, I have frequently come upon the term "wildland urban interface (WUI)", put simply the wildland urban interface is when residential or business development exists next to or in close proximity to undeveloped lands. For example, I have frequently read about the problems caused by residential development in the WUI in areas such as the western United States and in the mountains or large undeveloped lands in the east. The problem posed by the development in the WUI is not just a problem in the west or in the mountains, the WUI can be found across the United States in all States to varying degrees. 

Just because your State may have a smaller percentage of development in the WUI does not mean that the problem of wildfires in or near the wildland urban interface is non-existent or minimal. For example, I live in what I call a semi-rural neighborhood in central New Jersey. My neighborhood has many residences but there are some undeveloped areas on or near my street. My risk of being impacted by a wildfire in this undeveloped area is lower than out west or in the mountains, but there is a slight risk. Moreover, if there were such a wildfire in my neighborhood that started in one of these undeveloped parcels of land, unlike in remote and difficult to access locations, first responders and the NJ Forest Fire Service would have easy and quick access. 

There is a nice website from FEMA devoted to the wildland urban interface that may be found on their page on "What is the WUI?".  They have some important facts on the extent of the WUI including a map from the U.S. Forest Service showing the Number of houses in the WUI relative to the total houses in the state (%) for the lower 48 States. Here are some important facts about the WUI from FEMA's WUI page:

  • More than 60,000 communities in the United States are at risk for WUI fires.
  • Between 2002 and 2016, an average of over 3,000 structures per year were lost to WUI fires in the United States.
  • The WUI area continues to grow by approximately 2 million acres per year.
New Jersey has experienced an increase in development leading to a higher risk of wildfires in the WUI. This risk was exemplied by New Jersey's 2023 Wildfire Season which I have written about in this blog. Here is a tag to my articles on New Jersey's 2023 Wildfire Season, there are over 50 articles here including some articles on prescribed burns, the most recent is listed first. But you can get a quick idea of the number of wildfires by scrolling through these articles. Structure protection was active in a few of these wildfires, fortunately no residences were lost. Fortunately, and the reason for this post is to highlight a recent report from 6ABC News out of Philadelphia focusing on the rise in wildfire risk in New Jersey as development continues in fire-prone areas.  The video is just under three minutes and is worth watching.

Friday, December 01, 2023

Friday Fun: An Introduction to the 1946 J-3C Cub

Courtesy of Blancoliro's Youtube Channel, here is an eleven minute video about the 1946 J-3C Cub. Enjoy.