Wednesday, January 31, 2024

2023 Wildfire Season: Panhandle Helitack Year in Review

I am always interested in the good work that various helitack crews do to support crews on the ground fighting wildfires whether it be bucket work or bring in gear, food and other material that crews on the ground in remote areas need. Of course, in some cases I suppose that helitack might transport crews to remote areas or perhaps there are other helicopters that transport crews to and from remote areas. 

The other good work that helitack crews do is in igniting prescribed burns in remote locations using either plastic fires that ignite when they hit the ground or special torches.

As I was looking at a couple of social media groups on Facebook focused on aerial firefighting I came across a post by the U.S. Forest Service - Idaho Panhandle National Forests shared a couple of weeks highlighting the work that the Panhandle Helitack Crew did in 2023. They flew to 64 wildfires and did 13 prescribed burns. The Panhandle Helitack Crew does bucket work, transports ground crews to remote locations on a wildfire,  transports gear and equipment to crews on the ground in remote locations, and does prescribed burns. I share a short post from the Idaho Panhandle National Forests with relevant photos showcasing what they do and a thorough but concise description of their work in 2023. Click "see more" to see their full post. 

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