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Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Thankful for all First Responders

Direct link to video from Nate on YouTube

As I await a quiet Thanksgiving day tomorrow with my small family, I am quite aware of all the wildland firefighters and other first responders who are either on duty tomorrow or on standby. Many of you will not be celebrating Thanksgiving with your loved ones. I am very thankful that you are on call so that we may be safe, and will respond to an emergency that might affect us. Thank-you from the bottom of my heart. I am even more grateful for the work of all first responders inlcuding but not limited to wildland fire fighters after an extremely busy fall wildfire season in New Jersey and elsewhere in the north east and mid-atlantic  in the United States.

I wish all who may be traveling with for Thanksgiving weekend here in the United States or for a day trip to your family and/or friends safe travels.

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