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Monday, December 23, 2024

Managing Long Island Pine Barrens for Fire Protection & Trail Access

 The video that I am going to share with you today that I saw on this mornings video page from B10 NJ Wildland Fire on managing the Otis Pike Pine Forest in the Long Island Pine Barrens on the east end of Long Island caught my eye because of the importance of management of the Pine Barrens for wildland fire safety and prescribed burn operations as well as other needs for access. In addition, while I am not exactly familiar with the east end of Long Island, I did spend some time with friends and family in my youth and young adulthood in central Long Island, so I have a soft spot for Long Island. I have no direct knowledge of they types of management that is done in the NJ Pine Barrens but I suspect that managers do something similar. This is a short video, under two minutes from the NYSDEC.

Direct link to video from the NYSDEC on YouTube

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