Friday, May 17, 2024

79th Anniversary of Lockheed P2 Neptune

Direct link to video from Weapons Detective on YouTube 

Direct link to video from Scorched Sky Productions on YouTube

I lucked out in looking at today's post from Neptune Aviation on  Facebook where they shared that today, May 17th, is the 79th anniversary of the Lockheed P2 Neptune. A great aircraft who did good service during the Cold War and later as an air tanker. I have many posts on the Lockheed P2V tanker that you may find under this tag. I will never forget Neptune Aviations P2V Tankers, I cut my teeth on these Air Tankers when I started this blog in 2009, see this post where I offered my reflections on this Tanker. Neptune Aviation's last P2V Air Tanker was retired in October 2017. 

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