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Monday, November 11, 2024

Summary of 2024 New Jersey Fall Wildfire Season

As many of you know the fall of 2024 has been the worst wildfire season New Jersey has seen in over one hundred years. According to a November 10th press conference by the New Jersey Forest Fire Service that I watched on the evening of November 10th, there were 537 wildfires in New Jersey in October burning 4,500 acres. This video is an update on the Jennings Creek Wildfire but part way through the video they mention the October numbers. 

The idea behind this blog entry is to have a summary of the 2024 NJ Fall Wildfire Season that is more permanent that I can highlight on the right side of the main page of my blog and update as appropriate. I am going to list the wildfires that I know about from the New Jersey Forest Fire Service's Facebook page. Unless otherwise noted, the NJ Forest Fire issued a final incident report on the wildfire and will continue to monitor each wildfire. There are a lot of smaller wildfires that burned in New Jersey that I do not know about. The links for each fire, should lead to the last post I made on this fire which refers to the NJFFS final incident report for that wildfire. For wildfires I add after the date of my initial post (November 11, 2024) I will reference containment and the date of my final post. The figures on acreage burned are the latest figures that I was able to obtain from the New Jersey Forest Fire Service and may be preliminary figures; the final figures on acreage burned may change with better mapping and the like.

I only recently learned that the embed code provided by Facebook that I use to share updates from the New Jersey Forest Fire Service's Facebook page does not work on cell phones. But the posts with Facebook embed code does work on my computer and tablet. I have edited the posts that I link to below to include a direct link to the appropriate update from the New Jersey Forest Fire Service on Facebook. Unfortunately, it is possible that these link will not display correctly if you do not have a Facebook account. 


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