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Monday, December 30, 2024

Preparing for Next Year's Wildfire Season in New Jersey

Direct link to video from NBC10 Philadelphia on YouTube

Here in New Jersey we had a record number of wildfires during the dry spell in October into mid-November. The ground was so dry that tree stumps continued to burn after the wildfire was contained, something that happens a lot out west but is rare in New Jersey and environs. As you can see from the video that I embedded above the lower portion of the trees are burned, if the roots survived than the tree will (hopefully) survive. New Jersey Forest Fire Service crews participate in training to prepare for the wildfire season. There are things that homeowners in New Jersey living near forested areas can do to protect their homes such as being sure the gutters are cleaned out and that to clear leaf litter, debris and flammable vegetation from around the house.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

2024 Holiday Greetings: The Shepard by Frederic Forsyth

My tradition during the end of the year holiday season is to post The Shepard by Frederic Forsyth as read by Alan Maitland on CBC radio. Please join me in pausing and remembering all first responders including but not limited to wildland firefighters who may be away from their families. I wish all of you a happy and safe holiday season.

Direct link to video on YouTube

Monday, December 23, 2024

Managing Long Island Pine Barrens for Fire Protection & Trail Access

 The video that I am going to share with you today that I saw on this mornings video page from B10 NJ Wildland Fire on managing the Otis Pike Pine Forest in the Long Island Pine Barrens on the east end of Long Island caught my eye because of the importance of management of the Pine Barrens for wildland fire safety and prescribed burn operations as well as other needs for access. In addition, while I am not exactly familiar with the east end of Long Island, I did spend some time with friends and family in my youth and young adulthood in central Long Island, so I have a soft spot for Long Island. I have no direct knowledge of they types of management that is done in the NJ Pine Barrens but I suspect that managers do something similar. This is a short video, under two minutes from the NYSDEC.

Direct link to video from the NYSDEC on YouTube

Friday, December 20, 2024

2024 Wildfire Season: MIdewin Hotshots

I do want to recognize the work of the Midewin Interagency Hotshot Crew, the only Interagency Hotshot Crew based in the eastern region. They are based in Wilmington Illinois, their unofficial webpage may be found here and they do have a Facebook page which does not require a Facebook account to view some of their content and they have an Instagram Page. I do not have an Instagram account but I am able to view some limited information.

Up through 2022, they produced annual season videos, which I have posted in the past, go here to see my posts with the Midewin Hotshot tag. Since I discovered a few weeks ago that those of you using smart phones are not able to see content I embed from Facebook, I no longer embed Facebook content. But the Midewin Hotshots have some nice photos on their Facebook and Instagram pages, I urge those of you are able to view this content to take a look at their photos from the 2024 season.

I did look at their Facebook page so I could get a feel for where the Midewin IHC were deployed in the 2024 wildfire season. After they gathered for training and the like in early February their season started on or about February 19th where the spent some time in the eastern region. I don't have access to information on all their deployments in 2024, but thanks to their Facebook account, I know that they started the season with deployments in West Virginia, Tennessee, and Michigan before being deployed out west in Oregon and Washington. I expect that there are deployments that I do not know about and are not listed here. Their season ended on or about August 23rd, see their crew photo here.

I do want to emphasize that I hold a special place for the Midewin Hotshots because they are based in the eastern region of the U.S. where I live. I am very proud of the Midewin Hotshots for their work in keeping us safe from wildfires during their deployments.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

2024 Wildfire Season: American River Hotshots doing backfires

 I stumbled across a video on YouTube just now from NorCal Storm Chasing showing the American River Interagency Hotshots performing backfire operations to prevent the spread of the Park Fire on August 7, 2024. The video is a little over 17 minutes. I thought that some of you might be interested. One of the ways that I can experiences what various wildfire crews go through in working wildfires is through videos such as the one that I am sharing here. Enjoy.

Direct link to video from NorCal Storm Chasing on YouTube.

Monday, December 16, 2024

2024 Wildfire Season: Jackson Hotshots

As I share 2024 crew videos from hotshots and other crews at this time of year, as I can I want to be sure to include videos from crews based in the eastern part of the United States. The Midewin Interagency Hotshot Crew is based in the Midewin National Tallgrass Prarie in Wilmington, Illinois. While they posted crew videos from 2022 and earlier, they did not have a crew video summarizing their 2023 season nor have I seen one for 2024.

Moving to the southern region in the U.S., there are four hotshot crews based in the south: Asheville Interagency Hotshots. Augusta Interagency Hotshots, Cherokee Interagency Hotshots and the Jackson Interagency Agency Hotshots, go here for more information on these four hotshot crews. I did find a video from the Jackson IHC summarizing their 2024 season which I am embedding below. The Jackson IHC is the only Bureay of Land Management hotshot crew east of the Mississippi River, go to this BLM web page for more information. While the video does not disclose where they were deployed, that does not matter as I got to see the crew in action and meet some of them.

Direct link to video from Levic on YouTube.

Friday, December 13, 2024

2024 Wildfire Season: Thank-you Firefighters

Words can not always express my gratitude for the hardwork that all wildland firefighters do whether they be on the ground or in the air to work to contain wildfires of any size and to keep us safe. I think that the short video from the National Interagency Fire Center, compiled from community expressions of gratitude  expresses what I can not.

Direct link to video from the National Interagency Fire Center on YouTube 

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

2024 Wildfire Season: Lone Peak Hotshots 2024 Crew Video

I have been reading a fictionalized account of a hotshot crew which got me thinking that it is the time of year when I like to post crew videos summarizing their 2024 wildfire season. As someone who is not nor has never been a wildland firefighter, videos such as the one that I will embed here give me an idea of what it is like to work on a wildland fire crew. 

There are lots of videos from various hotshot crews hightlighting their 2024 fire season. For no apparent reason I am starting with the Lone Peak Hotshots based in Utah, perhaps because I have family ties to Utah. No, I have never been to Utah, perhaps one day? The Lone Peak Hotshots have a Facebook page

The Lone Peak Hotshots have a nice Facebook page that should be available without a Facebook account with some nice videos from their 2024 season along with other posts, go here to see their Facebook page.

The 2024 Lone Peak Hotshot video is just under ten minutes and the footage was taken by assorted crew members. I enjoyed the footage and the music. I always enjoy "meeting" the crew members.

Direct link to video from Lone Peak on YouTube

Monday, December 09, 2024

2024 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Bayville, Ocean County

I was having a conversation with some friends yesterday about the devastating fall wildfire season in New Jersey and I was telling them that to the best of my understanding that the NJ Forest Fire Service will report on social media about fires less than 100 acres where structures are threatened. So perhaps it was no coincidence that when I went to social media last night to check for reports from the NJ Forest Fire Service that I saw a report that an 11 acre wildfire that had threatened three structures in Bayville, Ocean County was contained on Sunday afternoon, December 8th. There were no evacuations and no structures were damaged. Ocean Gate Drive in Bayville was closed and is now reopened. The NJFFS first reported on this wildfire at about 8 AM on December 8th. The NJ Forest Fire Service will remain on scene to monitor the wildfire. Kudos to the New Jersey Forest Fire Service crews and mutual aid. Media reports on the wildfire may be found at Bayville Patch (Dec 9th).

Friday, December 06, 2024

More on DC-10 Air Tankers

The video is of one of 10 Tanker's DC-10 air tankers dropping on the Georgetown Summit Fire in Idaho on or about October 14, 2024

Continuing with DC-10 Tankers from 10 Tanker Air Carrier, see my December 5th post where I embedded a short video highlighting what happens inside a DC-10 tanker when they are dropping on a wildfire. I follow 10 Tanker Air Carrier on the X platform, formerly known as Twitter and Facebook where they have great photographs and videos along with other information. They also have an instagram account. You need an account on the X platform to access their content but Facebook should be available without an account. Their website is great with a photo gallery and their home page is chock full of information including current fire statistics and a link to a DC-10 Fact Sheet. As I write this, the latest statistics for 10 Tanker's DC-10 tankers in 2024 are

  • On September 13th delivered 7 million gallons of retardant
  • 767 missions
  • missions to California, Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

2024 Wildfire Season : Inside a DC-10 Air Tanker

Here is a short video report from June 2024 about a DC 10 tanker from 10 Tanker Air Carrier, one of four DC-10 air tankers.. Enjoy.

Direct link to video from 12 News on YouTube

Monday, December 02, 2024

2024 Wildfire Season: Mostly SEATs

 I have been thinking about Single Engine Airtankers (SEATs) recently and just found this nice video, about 9 minutes where you will see primarily SEATs working wildfires in Oregon and Idaho in 2024. I have a lot of respect for the important work that SEATs do in helping groundpounders fight wildfires.

Direct link to video on YouTube

Friday, November 29, 2024

Coulson Aviation Contracts in South America and Australia

One of the aviation contractors with contracts with the U.S. Forest Fire Service is Coulson Aviation, a division of Coulson Group. Not only does Coulson have a ten year contract with the U.S. Forest Fire Service signed in 2023, but Coulson also has a contract to supply year-round helitankers and helicopters to the Southern California Counties of Los Angeles, Orange and Ventura through 2024 with an option for 2025. As I am sure that many of you who are regular readers and follow aerial wildland firefighting through other sources know, Coulson is also active outside the United States and Canada in Australia and South America. Information on Coulson's fleet may be found here. Coulson has a good presence on social media, both the X platform (formerly known as Twitter) and Facebook. At the time I write this the X platform requires an account while Coulson's Facebook page does not.

In addition to embedding posts from Coulson's account on the X platform (formerly Twitter), I am including direct links to Coulson's press releases to provide you with direct access to these news releases without having to use the links, one is a shortened URL, in the post to the X platform. 

In July 2024, Coulson entered into a ten-year contract with New South Wales in Australia including a Boeing 737 Fireliner, a Chinook helitanker, six helicopters and two Cessna Citations. Coulson's news media release on this contract may be found here. Aerial Fire has good coverage of aerial firefighting operations, you may want to read their article on Coulson's contract with New South Wales.

In November 2023 Coulson signed a three-year contract with Chili in South America for a C-130H Hercules large airtanker and a Citation 550 air attack plane. On November 24, 2024, this contract to include a Boeing 737 Fireliner. You may read Coulson's press release on this 2024 contract extension with Chili here. Aerial Fire has also written about this contract, go here to read their article.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Thankful for all First Responders

Direct link to video from Nate on YouTube

As I await a quiet Thanksgiving day tomorrow with my small family, I am quite aware of all the wildland firefighters and other first responders who are either on duty tomorrow or on standby. Many of you will not be celebrating Thanksgiving with your loved ones. I am very thankful that you are on call so that we may be safe, and will respond to an emergency that might affect us. Thank-you from the bottom of my heart. I am even more grateful for the work of all first responders inlcuding but not limited to wildland fire fighters after an extremely busy fall wildfire season in New Jersey and elsewhere in the north east and mid-atlantic  in the United States.

I wish all who may be traveling with for Thanksgiving weekend here in the United States or for a day trip to your family and/or friends safe travels.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Reflections on 2024 NJ Fall Wildfire Season

As I write this, it is four days past the rain event in New Jersey and environs that resulted in the New Jersey Forest Fire Service lowering the fire danger and lifting restrictions. However, I am going to remain alert and be aware that as it has been dry of late, that the fire danger may tick up again. 

In reporting on the major wildfires in New Jersey during this fall wildfire season, be assured that I am aware of the hundreds of smaller wildfires that I do not know about. Between the major wildfires that I wrote about and these smaller wildfires in New Jersey, I know that the crews of the New Jersey Forest Fire Service worked hard. Kudos to all the crews of the NJFFS and structure firefighters for your hard work in keeping us safe. At the suggestion of a couple of friends of mine, I have a post summarizing the 2024 New Jersey fall wildfire season, I will edit and revise as appropriate and there is a link to that post on the upper right side of the main page on the "web version" of my blog.

In doing my best to report on what I knew about this unprecedented fall wildfire season in New Jersey and environs, I admit that I did not give equal time to wildfires in adjoining and near by states. I did live in Manhattan over 45 years ago, and while I was not aware of brush fires in New York City at that time, I am aware of the large number of brush fires in New York City this fall. In the time that I have been writing this blog I don't recall seeing such a large number of brush fires in New York City. I applaud the NYC firefighters for working and containing these fires and as far as I know no houses were impacted by these brush fires. I am also aware of the wildfires that  broke out in New England, Long Island New York, and Pennsylvania. I know that there are States that I am not listing here.

I was touched by the severity of this fall wildfire season in New Jersey and elsewhere in the northeastern United States in ways that are hard to explain in words. Trust me on this. 

As regular readers know, during the recent weeks of this fall wildfire season in New Jersey, I was sometimes posting two or three times a day. While under normal circumstances I won't be posting with that frequency, I will do my best to stay aware of major wildfires burning in New Jersey and adjoining regions and will increase my posting as appropriate. 

Saturday, November 23, 2024

2024 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Highlights of Tri-State Wildfires & Protecting Your Home

Thanks to my friends at the B10 New Jersey Wildfire Page for sharing this video from News 12 on "Tri-State Wildfires, Are you at risk and what can be done." I am not quite sure when this report aired, probably before our recent rains that fell on November 21st and 22nd? You will see some footage of recent wildfires in New Jersey, and adjoining areas off New York as well as Connecticut along with some tips on fire safety in your house or apartment. Even though we had two days of rains that have helped the surface fires within containment lines, we are still in a drought and once things dry out the wildfire danger will escalate. Allow a little over 20 minutes to watch the video

Direct link to video from News 12 on YouTube

Preparing your home for Wildfires

I downloaded the following Firewise USA file on preparing your home for wildfires from the New Jersey Forest Fire Service's prevention publications page. Their page for landscaping plants that are fire resistant and can grow in New Jersey may be found here, it is a good source of information.

Friday, November 22, 2024

2024 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Happy to See Rain

I am seeing strange drops from the sky and enjoying every minute. Strange drops from the sky aka RAIN! 

I come to you today about 40 hours after it started raining in my neck of the woods in northwestern New Jersey. I know that wildfires in northern areas of New Jersey and adjoining Pennsylvania and New York that wildfires that are still being monitored by the New Jersey Forest Fire Service and firefighting agencies in PA and NY have benefited from the rains and snow fall over the last 36 hours. As I write this, more rain and snow is expected today. 

I took advantage of yesterday’s rain and took a day off from my blog, the first in a couple of weeks, after doing my best to follow and report on the 2024 New Jersey Fall Wildfire Season. I know enough to know while this rain and snowfall may make a dent in our drought warning it is not enough to remove the drought warnings in New Jersey. I also know that any amount of rain can help to put out any surface fires within containment lines of wildfires that have burned in New Jersey this fall.

The wildfire that comes to mind as  I write this is the Jennings Creek Wildfire that burned around 5,000 acres in Passaic County NJ and Orange County NY. I was curious to know the amount of precipitation (rain and snow) that fell over the Jennings Creek Wildfire so I went to the NWS Weather Forecast Office, New York New York that covers northeastern NJ, New York City, Long Island and some of the lower hudson valley in New York including Orange County. I found their liquid equivalent (includes rainfall and the liquid equivalent of snow fall) in a post on their account on the X platform (formerly known as Twitter) shown below. 

You should be able to where you should be able to access the first link “11_22_rainfall_pns.pdf” which is the statement with liquid equivalents. You will see two figures for Warwick in Orange County New York of 1.84 inches and 2.30 inches. Looking at the data for Passaic County, I did see a report in the immediate vicinity of this wildfire, but if the reports for Ringwood and West Milford omitted northern Passaic County are any indication than it stands to reason that the fire area in New Jersey may have seen over 1.5 inches of liquid equivalent. This will certainly help to extinguish the surface fire burning within the containment lines. In addition, the rain and snow fall has wetted down leaves, twigs, needles and other detritus that might spark a wildfire. 

While I am very grateful for the rain and snow that we have had I am concerned about what might happen if we again go into a period of no or limited precipitation. While I believe that wildfires might be less likely to happen in the winter, they can happen.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

2024 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Country Club Wildfire, Ocean County (Final Report)

For my early reports on the Country Club Wildfire see my November 18th post where I made four reports on this fire. In a report on the X platform at 9:30 AM on November 20th, formerly known as Twitter, the New Jersey Forest Fire Service (NJFFS) issued their final incident update for the Country Club Wildfire that burned 35 acres in Lakewood, Ocean County. The fire is at 100% containment and local roads are reopened. Crews from the NJFFS will continue to remain on the scene of the fire to monitor the fire and improve containment lines. Thanks to the crews of the New Jersey Forest Fire Service for their good work in containing this fire.

2024 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Big Rusty Wildfire, Burlington County (Final Report)

I wrote about the Big Rusty Wildfire that burned 40 acres in Hainesport, Burlington County in this November 18th post (with updates on November 19th). The New Jersey Forest Fire Service just released their final incident update on the X platform (formerly known as Twitter) for the Big Rusty Fire at 9:30 AM on November 20th. The fire is now 100 percent contained thanks to the good work of the crews of New Jersey Forest Fire Service (NJFFS). All roads that were closed earlier are now reopened. Crews from the NJFFS will remain on scene to monitor this fire and improve containment lines. The cause of this fire is still under investigation.

Monday, November 18, 2024

2024 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Big Rusty Wildfire, Burlington County (Initial Post)

November 19th, 6:30 PM update

The only change in the 6:30 PM update from the NJ Forest Fire Service on the X platform is that containment of the  40 acre Big Rusty Wildfire has increased to 75 percent. Crews and engines from the NJ Forest Fire Service remain on scene. Scroll down for earlier updates.

November 19th, 8:30 AM

The New Jersey Forest Fire Service is making progress on the Big Rusty Fire that is burning in Hainesport, Burlington County. According to their 8:30 AM post on the X platform the acreage burned remains at 40 acres and containment has increased to 50 percent. All roads that were closed last night are now reopened and no structures are threatened. Crews and engines from the NJ Forest Fire Service remain on scene. The cause of the fire remains under investigation. Scroll down for earlier updates.

November 18th, 9 PM

The New Jersey Forest Fire Service issued an update on this fire at about 8:30 PM on their page on the X platform that I am sharing here in hopes that all can see it. Anyway, the Big Rusty Wildfire has burned 40 acres and is 20 percent contained. No structures are threatened down from 20 earlier this evening. The following local roads in Hainesport, Ocean County are closed: Bancroft Lane, Cove Court and Wharton Place. The cause of the fire is under investigation.

November 18th, 7 PM

According to a 6 PM post by the NJ Forest Fire Service on X formerly known as Twitter (shared below), a multi-acre wildfire in Hainesport, Burlington County. Twenty structures are threatened. For those of you who are locals, the wildfire is burning near Bancroft Land and Cove Court in Hainesport. The fire is not contained. The NJ Forest Fire Service is on the scene with wildland firefighters and engines.

2024 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Country Club Wildfire, Ocean County (Initial Post)

November 19th, 6:30 PM

The NJ Forest Fire Service just released their latest update on their X platform account for the Country Club Wildfire that is currently burning in Lakewood, Ocean County. The only changes are that containment has increased to 75 percent and Clearstream Road has reopened. NJ Forest Fire Service crews, engines and bulldozers remain at the fire. Scroll down for earlier updates.

November 19th, 8:30 AM

NJ Forest Fire Service crews have made progress fighting the Country Club Wildfire in Lakewood, Ocean County. In their 9 AM update on the X platform, they posted that acreage burned has increased very slightly to 35 acres burned, up from 33 acres last night. They have achieved 50 percent containment. Clearstream Road in Lakewood remains closed. No structures are threatened. NJ Forest Fire Service crews, engines and bulldozers remain at the fire. The cause of the fire is still under investigation. Scroll down for earlier updates.

November 18th, 9 PM

The Country Club fire has burned  33 acres, is 20 percent contained and no structures are threatened.  It is burning near the Pine Park area and the Lakewood Country Club. The New Jersey Forest Fire Service has ground crews, engines, and a bulldozer on the scene. Clearstream Road in Lakewood remains closed. Note, I am going to try embedding a post from the NJ Forest Fire Service's account on the X platform (formerly known as Twitter) in hopes that all will be able to see it. 

November 18th, 4 PM

According to the NJ Forest Fire Service update on the X platform formerly known as Twitter (shared at about 3 PM on November 18th), the Country Club Wildfire has burned 30 acres in Lakewood in Ocean County and is not contained. Six structures on Seminole Drive are threatened. The New Jersey Forest Fire Service is on the scene with wildland firefighters and engines. In addition, a New Jersey Forest Fire Service helicopter is on scene for observation. For those of you familiar with the area, Clearstream Road is closed between Brewers Bridge and Hope Chapel Road. The cause of the fire is under investigation. I think but am not sure that this wildfire was detected earlier on November 18th.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

2024 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Jennings Creek Wildfire - Voluntary evacuations in Orange County NY

November 18th

Direct link to video from Eyewitness News ABC7NY

One of the first things I did this morning was to go the Town of Warwick's (NY) Facebook page. In an update posted in the early evening of November 17th on the Town of Warwick Facebook page they say that the state of emergency is extended one more day at least through November 18th, schools are closed, local roads remain closed and voluntary evacuations remain in place for November 18th. The local middle school is an evacuation site. The voluntary evacuations are in place so that firefighting apparatus can easily access the areas that they need to in order to contain the fire. No homes are damaged and no homes are currently threatened

November 17th

Direct link to video from CBS New York on YouTube

On the night of November 16th, the Jennings Creek fire at least came close to jumping containment lines in Orange County New York causing voluntary evacuations of more than 100 homes. The video I embedded above appears to be from morning news on November 17th.

The good news is that according to the Town of Warwick's morning update on Facebook that I share below  efforts to protect structures last night in what Warwick officials are calling the Sterling Forest Fire were successful and no structures are currently threatened.

Earlier updates on the Jennings Creek Wildfire

Friday, November 15, 2024

2024 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Jennings Creek Wildfire Passaic (NJ) and Orange (NY) Counties: November 16th update

 Here are links to my other posts on the Jennings Creek Wildfire

November 16th update

I wrote yesterday (scroll down the page) that the Jennings Creek Wildfire burned 2,283 acres in New Jersey and reached 90 percent containment in New Jersey. I am interested in acreage burned and containment for the New York side of the wildfire. The Mid Hudson News in a November 16th article reported that a total of 4.700 acres have burned, I assume they mean across New York and New Jersey. Both PIX11 and NJ Advance Media (this is a gifted article good until Nov 23rd) are reporting that the wildfire is 90 percent contained on the New Jersey side and about 65 percent contained in New York on the New York side. NJ Advance Media reports that 2,400 acres have burned in New York, agreeing with what the Mid Hudson News reported. I point out that while I think that these three media sources got their numbers from press conferences by wildfire officials in both states, I myself have not had any access to these press conferences or other means of official information from NY officials in charge of fighting the wildfire. But I am comfortable enough with the reporting of the three media outlets to write this post. 

You may want to take some time read the articles from NJ Advance Media and the Mid Hudson News, both have photo galleries. The Mid Hudson News article talks about the efforts of fire fighters from around the region as well as wildland firefighters from Montana and Colorado, they also discuss how the fire was fought in New York. The New Jersey Advance Media article discusses today's red flag warning for all of New Jersey and the lower Hudson Valley of New York from 7 AM on November 16th to 6 PM on the 16th, and that even when the fire is fully contained the fire will continue to burn until there is significant precipitation and that there will be smoke.

November 15th update

With 75 percent containment of the Jennings Creek Wildfire in NJ (see my November 14th for more information) and the ongoing efforts of the crews in New Jersey and New York, progress has been made in fighting this wildfire. I don't have current information on containment of the portion burning in New York, but I know that there is some containment on the New York portion of the wildfire. I know from media reports that burn out operations are being conducted as a part of the strategy to control the fire. According to this wildfire glossary from Inciweb, a burn out is "setting fire inside a control line to widen it or consume fuel between the edge of the fire and the control line" and a control line is "all built or natural fire barriers and treated fire edge used to control a fire."  I understand from media reports that there were two Chinook helicopters capable of dropping 6,000 gallons of water working this fire yesterday.  If you watch the video I embedded above you will hear one of the NY wildland firefighters discuss this strategy.

Thanks to some wildland firefighters on social media. I learned about an article on about the science of fighting wildfires and how this is being used on the Jennings Creek Wildfire, there are also a couple of photo galleries. Go here to read the article

I found a video that I thought you might enjoy footage of a Chinook helicopter flying over this wildfire along with footage of the wildfire, I embed this video below for your enjoyment.

I also find a nice video of a reporter that was embedded with the wildland firefighters on Thursday. I really enjoyed this video giving me an inside look at the conditions that our wildland firefighters faced fighting the Jennings Creek Wildfire. I had to edit this part of the post because the video I originally shared is no longer available. Fortunately I found what appears to be the same video on CBS Mornings YouTube Page and I hope that the link and the embedded code to display the video continues to be available.

Kudos to all the wildland firefighters from NJ and NY and all the local fire companies who have been working this fire. I have a huge amount of respect for all of you and I am keeping you in my prayers. 

The New Jersey Forest Fire Service posted their final update for the Jennings Creek Fire at 1:15 PM on November 15th. The wildfire burned 2,283 acres in New Jersey and is 90 percent contained. No structures are threatened and there were no evacuations. Earlier their were 2 residences threatened and 8 structures in the Long Pond Ironworks Historic District. Local road closures will continue until November 16th. Trails in the vicinity of the wildfire remain closed. New Jersey Forest Fire crews will remain on the scene of the wildfire for the next several days to shore up containment lines and address any concerns. The New Jersey Forest Fire Service remains in unified command with the New York Department of Environmental Conservation. If significant developments occur on the New Jersey side of this wildfire the NJ Forest Fire Service will post updates an their social media accounts. At the time I write this, I have no new information on the status of the New York side of the fire. I assume that they are continuing to do burn out operations. Here is the direct link to the final update for this wildfire by the New Jersey Forest Fire Service on Facebook that I have shared below.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

2024 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Jennings Creek Wildfire Passaic (NJ) and Orange (NY) Counties: Update #3

For my earlier reports on the Jennings Creek Wildfire see these posts:

November 14th update

Thanks to my friends at the B10 NJ Wildland Fire Page for sharing this video on their webpage this morning. In watching this short video update on the Jennings Creek Wildfire uploaded on November 13th, I see that they too mention that the New York side of the wildfire has burned 2,100 acres. This confirms what I read in a NJ Advance Media (updated at 7 PM on November 13th) where they also mention that the wildfire has burned 2,100 acres in New York. In the 7:10 PM update I wrote on my November 12th & 13th update on the Jennings Creek Wildfire, I referred to the 7 PM update that the NJ Forest Fire Service posted on Facebook reporting that the NJ side of the wildfire has burned 2,283 acres. Adding these two figures together we arrive at total acreage burned of 4,383 acres. Finally, I went to the Mid Hudson News that covers the Hudson Valley region of New York where the Jennings Creek is burning where I found a nice photo story of the Jennings Creek Fire including three videos that include some footage of helicopter drops. 

I found a second article on the Mid Hudson News, dated on the afternoon of November 14th with an update on the operations on the New York side of the fire. News 12 New Jersey has an article with a video dated November 14th with updates on the New Jersey and the New York side of the wildfire, go here to read the article.

In this evenings update on Facebook from the NJ Forest Fire Service (shared below) acreage burned remains at 2,283 acres and the wildfire is 75 percent contained in New Jersey. There are no structures in New Jersey threatened, down from 2 structures threatened yesterday. Local road closures remain as do hiking trail closures in the wildfire vicinity. I have no specific information on the portion of the wildfire burning in New York at this time, no containment information and no mention of acreage burned on the NY side today, and I am not sure about the status of any threatened structures.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

2024 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Jennings Creek Wildfire Passaic (NJ) and Orange (NY) Counties: Update #2

For my earlier reports on the Jennings Creek Wildfire see these posts:

November 13th, 7:10 PM

Scroll down to see my early updates from this morning and the evening of November 12th.

Unfortunately, I have not been able to find any local media who covered today's press conference with the New Jersey Forest Fire Service and the New York Department of Environmental Conservation. I am disappointed because I would of liked to share it with you. Anyway, the NJ Forest Fire Service reports in tonight's update that acreage burned in New Jersey remains at 2,283 acres, acreage burned in New York is not available from the sources I have access to. I just found an article on NJ Advance Media (updated at 7 PM on November 13th), they are reporting that the NY side of the wildfire has burned 2,100 acres, I am mentioning this figure because in reading the updated article, it sounded like the reporters were at today's joint press conference. Containment fire-wide in New Jersey and New York has increased to fifty percent. Local road closures continue as to hiking trail closures. Threatened structures in New Jersey has decreased to two residential structures, down from ten. The number of any structures threatened on the New York side is not available from my sources. I forgot to mention yesterday that two New Jersey firefighters were injured one with smoke inhalation who was treated at a hospital and the other with an injury that was treated on site and he returned to duty. Direct link to Facebook post from the NJ Forest Fire Service with this evening's update shown below.

November 13th, 11:10 AM

Scroll down to see my update from the evening of November 12th.

No changes in the status of the Jennings Creek from the New Jersey Forest Fire Service. Containment over the entire wildfire area in NJ and NY is at 30 percent. Acreage burned in New Jersey remains at 2,283 acres, information from the NY side of the wildfire is not available. Local road closures continue as do closures of hiking trails near the wildfire. The New Jersey Forest Fire Service and the New York Department of Environmental Conservation will host a press conference at 12 PM today. I do not think it will be streamed, but I will look at local media for videos of the press conference and if I find any I will post them in a new post this evening. Direct link to this morning's update from the New Jersey Forest Fire Service shown below.

November 12th, 6:45 PM

I watched a video of the press conference the given by the NJ Forest Fire Service and local officials on the Jennings Creek Fire. I took some notes.  Due to the winds from today's red flag conditions, they NJFFS did not conduct any burn out operations, but they do have boots on the ground building line. The fire is burning in a very remote, rock, difficult to access "wilderness area". There has been progress made by NJ crews in suppressing the fire. Forty-eight apparatus from 5 counties are assisting in the fire. NJ did surveillance of the fire in the air, satellite imagery, and boots on the ground, 2,283 acres have burned in NJ, they did not have numbers for NY at the time of the press conference. You might want to check out the video of the press conference from Fox5NY (embedded below), allow about 12 minutes for the video

I also watched a 17 minute video of a press conference by NY Governor Kathy Hochul and NY officials discussing the NY side of the Jennings Creek Fire. 

Direct link to video from CBS New York on YouTube

Moving on to this evenings update from the NJ Forest Fire Service. As a result of better mapping of the fire from surveillance has resulted in arriving at  2,283 acres burned in the New Jersey side (Passaic County) of the Jennings Creek Wildfire. I heard this in this afternoon's press conference. Acreage burned in the New York side (Orange County) of the wildfire is not available. Over the whole Jennings Creek Wildfire (NJ & NY), there is 30 percent containment, up from 20 percent. Two residential structures in New Jersey are threatened and eight structures in the Long Pond Ironworks Historic District are threatened, there are no evacuations. One local road is closed and hiking trails in the vicinity of the wildfire are closed. The NJ Forest Fire Service has a helicopter with a 350 gallon bucket. I think but am not certain that New York has four helicopters, I am not certain of the size of the buckets. Direct link to Facebook post from the NJ Forest Fire Service with this evening's update shown below

All my updates on the Jennings Creek Wildfire

2024 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Jennings Creek Wildfire Passaic (NJ) and Orange (NY) Counties: Line of Duty Death

A young man, 18-year old Dariel Vasquez, was killed by a fallen tree on Saturday will fighting the Jennings Creek Fire on the New York side of the wildfire in Sterling Forest. The PIX 11 report says that he is still a high school senior and played baseball. However, I saw another report that says that he has graduated from high school. In any event, this is very sad. A young man just getting started is dead while working to save others. His family organized a GoFundMe page in his memory raising over $70,000 in a few hours, donations are disabled as I write this. For more information see this report from PIX 11 New York.

RIP Dariel, my prayers go out to your family, friends and all who love you.

Monday, November 11, 2024

2024 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Jennings Creek Wildfire Passaic (NJ) and Orange (NY) Counties: Update #1

For my earlier reports on the Jennings Creek Wildfire see these posts:

    November 12, 9 AM

    No changes in the numbers for the Jennings Creek Wildfire from the NJ Forest Fire Service's morning update on Facebook (shared below). As of 9 AM the Jennings Creek Wildfire has burned 3,500 acres and is 20 percent contained. In response to questions in their morning update on Facebook about the acres burned by the Jennings Creek Wildfire, the NJ Forest Fire Service said 

    The New Jersey Forest Fire Service anticipates that the Jennings Creek Wildfire will grow to at least 5,000 acres before reaching 100% containment. However, the most recent mapping conducted by the New Jersey Forest Fire Service indicates the fire currently spans 3,500 acres in both New Jersey and New York. Rainfall slowed the fire’s growth overnight from Sunday, Nov. 10, into Monday, Nov. 11. As forest fuels dry out and the main body of the fire continues to spread, and the Forest Fire Service conducts burnout operations to aid containment, the fire’s size is expected to increase.

    Red Flag Warnings are in effect for the fire area, Orange County NY and Passaic County NJ until 6 PM on November 12th. Road and trail closures continue and 10 structures are threatened in New Jersey, 2 are residences. I do not know if the 14 structures 0n the NY side of the wildfire remain threatened. Helicopters with buckets continue to work the fire as long as winds today will allow. 

    November 11, 7 PM

    You may want to go to my November 10th post on this wildfire where I made three entries with November 10th updates and a fourth entry for the November 11th morning update

    Direct link to video from CBS New York on YouTube

    Before I discuss this evenings update from the New Jersey Forest Fire Service, I want to comment that I listened to two videos of two press conferences with officials overseeing this fire, both are from CBS New York, an 18 minute video of a press conference with NY officials and an 11 minute video with NJ officials, both occurred today, November 11th. I noted that the NY official said that they had done aerial reconnaissance this morning mapping the fire at 5,000 acres in both states. The NJ official had not yet discussed the aerial reconnaissance and could not address the question of the New York official saying the wildfire had burned 5,000 acres, he was sticking to the 3,000 acre figure. Note that the media is reporting the 5,000 acres burned figure. The NJ official said that because of difficulty accessing the rough terrain where the fire is burning that they were not sure where the fire started, this is different from what I reported in my 7 PM  update. I will speculate is that it is still too early since the fire started to know these details for sure. In following wildfires for years, I do know that fire size can vary as they get better mapping and the like. As they say, more will be revealed.

    Looking at the 7PM update from the NJ Forest Fire Service on Facebook (embedded below) at least 3,500 acres have burned (up from 3,000 acres earlier this morning) and containment has increased to 20 percent. Ten structures in New Jersey are threatened with no evacuations. There are local road closures. I am uncertain about the status 14 threatened structures in New York referred to in earlier updates. The New Jersey Forest Fire Service and the New York Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Forest Protection and Fire Management are in unified command, meaning that both states work together and coordinate their efforts. There are a few helicopters with buckets, one from New Jersey with a 350 gallon bucket, working this fire in support of the crews on the ground. Local fire departments from both states are also onsite.

    All my other posts on the Jennings Creek Wildfire

    Veterans Day

     I thank all veterans for your service to this country

    Summary of 2024 New Jersey Fall Wildfire Season

    As many of you know the fall of 2024 has been the worst wildfire season New Jersey has seen in over one hundred years. According to a November 10th press conference by the New Jersey Forest Fire Service that I watched on the evening of November 10th, there were 537 wildfires in New Jersey in October burning 4,500 acres. This video is an update on the Jennings Creek Wildfire but part way through the video they mention the October numbers. 

    The idea behind this blog entry is to have a summary of the 2024 NJ Fall Wildfire Season that is more permanent that I can highlight on the right side of the main page of my blog and update as appropriate. I am going to list the wildfires that I know about from the New Jersey Forest Fire Service's Facebook page. Unless otherwise noted, the NJ Forest Fire issued a final incident report on the wildfire and will continue to monitor each wildfire. There are a lot of smaller wildfires that burned in New Jersey that I do not know about. The links for each fire, should lead to the last post I made on this fire which refers to the NJFFS final incident report for that wildfire. For wildfires I add after the date of my initial post (November 11, 2024) I will reference containment and the date of my final post. The figures on acreage burned are the latest figures that I was able to obtain from the New Jersey Forest Fire Service and may be preliminary figures; the final figures on acreage burned may change with better mapping and the like.

    I only recently learned that the embed code provided by Facebook that I use to share updates from the New Jersey Forest Fire Service's Facebook page does not work on cell phones. But the posts with Facebook embed code does work on my computer and tablet. I have edited the posts that I link to below to include a direct link to the appropriate update from the New Jersey Forest Fire Service on Facebook. Unfortunately, it is possible that these link will not display correctly if you do not have a Facebook account.