Friday, April 11, 2008

Spring flowers and trees almost ready

It seems like any day now the trees will leaf out. The buds on the dogwoods are larger. When I look at the pin oak outside my dining room window I can see very tiny oak leaves as they emerge. The daffodils are starting to bloom; the crocuses were in bloom for a couple of weeks now and are just past their prime. I am happy that they did not end up as deer or rabbit food. I know that there is a rabbit somewhere around here. I saw it last night near my driveway as I was coming home.

The grape hyacinths that I planted on the south side of the house are starting to come up. Most of the perennials are starting to emerge from their winter hibernation. Yesterday we had a warm early April day, shirt–sleeve weather. I went outside and played in the dirt for an hour, otherwise known as weeding.

I have often let these early signs of spring pass me by, waiting for the day when everything is in bloom and the deciduous trees have leafed out. I was too busy or too caught up in my own affairs to pay attention to the process plants and trees emerging from their winter sleep. It is pretty cool. I am looking forward to watching this process unfold.

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