Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Martin Luther King's March on Washington in 1963

Since I am writing about the summer of 1963, I would be remiss not to write about Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech that he gave during the rally that was a part of the march on Washington that year.

The only reason that I can say with reasonable confidence that I remember this speech is because this happened during the period when I was confined to bed. I can't say that I remember all that much about the speech itself. But I do have a distinct memory of watching Martin Luther King on television giving what could have been his "I Have a Dream" speech.

Perhaps all the networks televised this speech and I had no other option than to watch it. Or perhaps I watched it because of my mother's influence. My Mum was an admirer of Dr. King's. Even if my memory of watching this on television is a false memory influenced by the significance of this speech, I will always remember the summer of 1963 as being the first time that Dr. King entered my life.

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