Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A visit from a smokejumper

I get e-mail alerts when someone comments on my blog. The other day, I was delighted to hear from Bjorn, a smokejumper who jumped for the BLM in Alaska this year after four years a jumper for the Forest Service. Bjorn commented on a post I made here on July 20, part 2 of 2 on about smokejumping. Note his comment. He knew Scott Wickland of the four minute video that I posted. Scott, or Wicky gave a four minute video tour of smokejumping out of the Northern Cascades Smokejumping Base in Winthrop WA.

Bjorn has a blog that may be found here. He started the blog this year, and he is able to do something that I can not. He writes about his experience as a smokejumper this season. Please check it out. He writes about the three-week training he went through and has some awesome photos.

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