Monday, October 12, 2009

Firefighting Art

I have finished writing about temporary flight restrictions and fire traffic areas, at least for now. I have to say that I have a learned a lot while writing that series. I have increased respect for the pilots and crew, ground crews on the bases, as well as all those of you working behind the scenes to keep firefighting aircraft and crew safe, including but not limited to Ben Hinkle is growing. Thank-you.

I have to take a what I hope is brief time-out before moving on to density altitude. I hope to begin posting on density altitude either on Wednesday or Thursday of this week. In the meantime, I found this video on youtube by Patrick Karnahan. Patrick worked for the U.S. Forest Service, including one summer as a lookout. He is also a painter, having painted for the USFS and a songwriter.  To read a little more about Patrick, go to this link on youtube and click on more info in the box on the upper right corner. Patrick also has a website that may be found here. I like Patrick's art for his depiction of both ground crews and aerial support.


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