Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Thanksgiving wishes and remembrances

On the eve of this Thanksgiving holiday in America:

  • For all who are traveling, I wish you safe travels.
  • For those of you spending the holiday with your family and/or friends, enjoy the moment.
  • For wildland firefighters on the ground and in the air working wildfires this holiday weekend, you are away from your families. Stay safe and thank-you.
  • More and more people are working this weekend, perhaps in hospitals or police fire and ambulance service. the National Weather Service is a 24/7 operation, some will be on shift on Thanksgiving. Others in retail or other service positions. Hopefully if you celebrate Thanksgiving, you celebrate before or after work. Know that your work is appreciated.
  • Thank-you to all of you in the military who are away from your family and friends overseas. Thank-you for your sacrifice and your service.

I am aware that for many there is little to be thankful for. For some it is because you are alone and have no place to go. Thousands of you have had your homes burned in wildfires, some of you are with your families, and others of you are in shelters or camps. Hundreds if not thousands of you have been affected by recent typhoons and hurricanes and your home may be completely destroyed or not habitable, perhaps you are still in a shelter or camp or making do the best you can on your property

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