Wednesday, August 28, 2019

A Little About the Wildfires in the Amazon

The wildfires that are currently burning in the Amazon have been making headlines in various news outlets so I expect that many of you reading this post know about these wildfires. I do want to spend a little time on these wildfires today. I don't know much about the actual size of the wildfires, nor can I say how many wildland firefighters on the ground and in the air are helping to fight these wildfires. But I do know that there is a lot of person power fighting these wildfires. Before going any further, I am not going to post any pictures because I understand, thanks to this post from Bill Gabbert of Wildfire Today, that there are photos circulating claiming to be from the Amazon wildfires that are not of these wildfires.

 I do know that the Global Supertanker (747 tanker) is currently working in Boliva, flying the Amazon fires in that country, see this August 22nd post from Bill Gabbert's Wildfire Today for more information. Here are three tweets with short videosof the Supertanker working in Bolivia:

But there is some satellite imagery of these fires. Below is a satellite photo of the wildfires in Boliva, courtesy of Earth Observatory, for more information about this photo please go here where you can see an overlay with labels for the countries in South America. The image below, dated on or about August 27th, is an image from Landsat 8 courtesy of NASA's Earth Observatory

Instrument: Landsat 8 - OLI. Obtained on August 28, 2019 from
The second satellite image is included in an August 21st article from NASA that may be found here.

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