Monday, April 12, 2021

A rainy and overcast day during spring wildfire season in New Jersey

Due to a rainy day, we are perhaps having a short respite during our spring wildfire season in New Jersey. I am pretty sure that the lookout towers are not staffed today and the contract aircraft may have an off day as well. It rained yesterday and it looks showers at least through the middle of the week. Nonetheless, depending on the location and the soil types, the soil can dry out pretty quickly. I know that even though the fire danger here in New Jersey is currently low, we are protected by the New Jersey Forest Fire Service and their mutual aid partners should the unforeseen wildfire start. And whether or not the rest of our spring fire season is wet or dry remains to be seen. Of course, wildfires do not follow a calendar, and dependent on rain and/or snowfall, can happen most any time of year. 

Today, as we have a short respite in our spring wildfire season, I want to share a three-minute video tribute to the New Jersey Forest Fire Service. Perhaps I have shared this before, and if so, reruns are always good. Enjoy

Direct link to video

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