Friday, March 03, 2023

About aerial firefighting in Sweden

 It is interesting how things happen. As I was out on my walk this morning I found myself thinking about aerial firefighting in other parts of the world. I know that aerial resources are used in globally with some companies such as Coulson and Conair supplying airtankers and helicopters to Australia and perhaps other countries in the southern hemisphere during their summer (our winter in northern climes). I know that countries in Europe user smaller air tankers so I was delighted to find a video from Saab in Sweden. You will hear  Éder Navacerrada discuss how aerial firefighting works in Sweden. It is not that different from what happens in the United States. But I enjoyed hearing about aerial firefighting in Sweden. You might want to go to the direct link below and read the about this video section for a little more information.

The video was uploaded two years ago is less than nine minutes, enjoy.

Direct link to video from Saab on YouTube

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