Thursday, May 21, 2009

Associated Airtanker Pilots

I have had the pleasure of spending time on the Associated Airtanker Pilots (AAP) website. There is a lot of good info on this site, including a good photogallery. I was lurking on their message board one day, and it got me thinking that it would be good for you to hear some of their stories. To make a long story short, I reached out to one of the AAP members who liked my idea and gave me permission to post a message to their message board (it is a closed board) to share my idea and ask for their help. So, the idea is that from time to time, I hope to get stories from air tanker pilots, the idea being to give you an idea of what it is like to fly air tankers. In addition, I may also share my own reflections based on my correspondence with air tanker pilots.

I have the first air tanker pilot story, which I will post tomorrow. I will follow that up with my first reflection post. Actually there will be two reflections in two posts, the second is a video that I found. So stay tuned.

At this point, I only have one story and one reflection to post. I am hoping to get more, and I am being patient. As I do get more, I will post them here.

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