Sunday, July 10, 2011

More on Air France 447

When I posted about the May 27 note from the BEA in France on July 6, I neglected to say that the official reports from the BEA are in French. In most cases they have an english translation and often a translation in Portuguese. My high school French is many years ago, so I am not much of a help in reading the French versions of these reports. I understand from acquaintances who speak and read French (but are not translators), that there will be sometimes when French does not translate well into English. Is that the case in here, I don't know.

But I am going to provide you with a link to the BEA's May 27 notes in French. The earlier reports and press releases from the BEA, in French are found here. Those of you are comfortable reading French may find these documents useful.

Also, a friend of mine sent me a link to an article in the June 6 edition of Aviation Week on the latest updates in the crash of Air France 447, the article may be found here. The one thing missing from theversion of the June 6 Aviation Week found on their website is a text box with some of the data from the flight data recorders. I was able to get my hands a paper version of this article from my local library. Those of you who are interested, may be able to look at a copy at your local library (if they subscribe).

As I read the paper version of this article, I had the May 27 BEA report up on my computer, so I could see that flight recorder data presented in the text box in the June 6 article was based on the the data reported in the BEA report.

I found the article to be interesting and helpful as I again reread the latest report from the BEA after reading the Aviation Week article. Perhaps you will be interested in reading this article.  However, some of you might find the article (and I say "might) find the article to be a little technical. As for me, I found that between the knowledge that I have gained in passing the FAA private pilot exam, my own reading, and conversations with pilots that I was able to make sense of most of the technical aspects in the article. 

I'm not in a position to offer any educated comments on the June 6 Aviation Week article on the latest update in the investigation of the crash of Air France 447. However, I am thinking that at a later time I may write about what I have learned from following the investigation of the crash of Air France 447.

In the meantime, I continue to offer my prayers . . .

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