Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Philippine Mars going to a new home

No doubt some of you have already heard that Coulson is retiring the Philippine Mars. From what I understand she had not flown in a few years. She is headed to a good home, the Pensacola Naval Air Museum where she will be loved by many. A story on the Philippine Mars retirement by the Times Colonist by be found here.

As I understand it, the Hawaii Mars will continue to fly for Coulson. At the time of this writing, Coulson has a webpage describing both the Hawaii Mars and the Phillipine Mars, that may be found here.

To the Philippine Mars, I have never met you but I know that you are one elegant lady of the skies, a large and elegant airplane. You have served long and well, first with the US navy and later as a water scooper capable of dropping 7,200 gallons of water/foam on fires. You will be loved and the folk at Pensacola will take good care of you. Perhaps one day I will go back to Pensacola and see you in the museum.

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