Wednesday, August 27, 2014

DC-10 Tankers in OR and CA

I have been thinking about the wildland fire crews working the fires in Oregon recently, and was looking around for wildfire news from Oregon when I came upon this recent video report on the DC-10 tankers at Rouge Valley Tanker Base in Oregon. So, I am sharing it with you. The DC-10 tankers with their ability to lay down a long line of retardant are an important weapon in the aerial wildland fire fighting arsenal working to support the crews on the ground.

Speaking of the DC-10, Bill Gabbert of Fire Aviation has a nice article an article that he posted today on DC-10 tankers that you might want to look at.

When I hear from my friend Steve Konrad I'll post something here. It is the middle of fire season, so I may not hear from him for a few weeks. Recall that I've shared some of his videos here, for example this video from Sept. 2013 and another video from Sept. 2012 showing a back burn at night.

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