Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Reflections on writing about wildfires

I have some wonderful friends and family who are supportive of the time I spend writing this blog on aerial wildland firefighting. I remember a few years ago when there was a large wildfire in California that I was following, mitt have been the Station Fire. I had been putting in long hours watching live stream, reading articles and otherwise keeping abreast of the situation. And of course, I was learning. I still am learning.

Anyway, I ran into these friends, and you told me that they knew about the fire, that you were thinking of me. And for those of you reading this who are in the business of wildland firefighting, they were thinking of you too. I had only been focusing on aerial wildland firefighting for a few months at the time, so I really appreciated the support of my friends.

The support of my family and friends goes on. Sometimes it is a comment about a fire that they have heard about in the news. Or it might be a supportive comment after a tragedy. Sometimes a question which if I can't answer (always a possibility), I can usually find a good answer for them. I especially love telling my friends that we have SEATs here in NJ during our spring wildfire seas.

Over the years that I've been writing this blog about aerial wildland firefighting, I've made some friends in the business, aerial wildland firefighters and those who fight wildfires on the ground. I learn from you.

Various people send me information and articles, I appreciate the thought that goes into this. Some of you are in the business, others are not but have read something that you thought I'd be interested in. I often find ways to include this information in my blog either directly or indirectly. I always learn from these little tidbits of information.

I want to thank my friends and family, new and old for your suppport. And for the friends I do not know, who read this blog, thank-you.

Revised on October 16, 2014

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