Wednesday, June 26, 2019

wildland firefighter safety: fire shelters

Perhaps the most important piece of protective equipment that each wildland firefighter carries is her or his fire shelter. Deploying a fire shelter is a last resort when wildland firefighters are in danger of a burn over and are not near a safe zone. My purpose here is to refer to this piece of equipment, showing through a couple of videos how the shelter is deployed and also some survival stories.

Deploying a fire shelter, the fire shelter in the video is a demonstration model. A real fire shelter can only be deployed once. Learning how to deploy a fire shelter and practice doing so is a part of the annual and refresher training that wildland firefighters go through. 

In the next video, one of thirteen videos from Wildland Fire LLC that Bill Gabbert of Wildfire Today shared in April of this year, you will hear wildland firefighters who have deployed their fireshelters talk about their shelter deployment stories.