Friday, September 18, 2020

An aviation contractor reflects on flying fires for the firefighters on the ground during this devastating fire season

I saw a post from Coulson Aviation on their Facebook page yesterday which left me speechless. It is not their normal post about their aircraft currently on contract with the U.S. Forest Service or soon to be on contract in Australia, it is a post addressed to the all the firefighters on the ground. They speak in very eloquent terms about the sacrifices made by all the firefighters on the ground, that they fly to help them. I always try to say that aerial firefighting assets fly to help the firefighters on the ground, they do not put fires out but I do not write this out of any first hand experience. As soon as I saw Coulson's post yesterday, I knew that I had to share it with you. They say what I can not. Please click on see more to read the entire post. And don't forget the pictures. 

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