Friday, March 31, 2023

New Jersey Forest Fire Service: Spring Prescribed Burning Season (March 31st)

 I am not in the position to know when the New Jersey Forest Fire Service will stop doing prescribed burns this spring. As the calendar changes to April tomorrow and with it a continuation of the spring wildfire season, I wonder if the prescribed burns that the New Jersey Forest Fire Service (NJFFS) conducted on March 30th and again today (March 31st) will be the last of the prescribed burns. I do monitor the NJFFS's Facebook page so if they continue with prescribed burns into April then I may know about it. 

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

NJ Forest Fire Service: Spring 2023 Prescribed Burning Season (March 29th)

After pausing due to rain as well as a day or two of high fire danger, the New Jersey Forest Fire Service is continuing conducting prescribed burns. I am not sure how long prescribed burns will continue this spring.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Jeffrey Scheuerer, NJ Forest Fire Service, memorial dedication on tenth anniversary of his death


On March 28, 2013 Jeffrey Scheuerer (District Warden, NJFFS Division A, Section 8, District 6)  died while working on prescribed burn in Round Valley Reservation (Clinton Township, Hunterdon County NJ) with other members of the NJFFS when he died from injuries sustained when he was struck by a motor vehicle. 

This is the tenth anniversary of Jeffrey’s death. There is a memorial in his honor at Round Valley Reservation that was dedicated on March 26th. To see more photos of the dedication, you may want to go the

Jeffrey, your service will not be forgotten, I remember you every time I go to Round Valley. I offer my prayers for your family, friends, members of your firefighting community and all those who loved you. May you rest in peace.

Friday, March 24, 2023

2022 Wildfire Season: Tatanka Hotshots 2022 Highlight Video

 I continue to share videos from wildfire crews here in the U.S. summarizing their 2022 wildfire season. Today I am sharing a video showcasing the Tatanka Hotshots 2022 wildfire season. The Tatanka Hotshots are based in South Dakota. Thanks to the 2022 Tatanka Hotshots for all you did to protect us from wildfires in 2022. Your service and sacrifice will not be forgotten.

The video that I share below is not associated with the U.S. National Forest Service or the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Direct link to video on YouTube

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

2023 New Jersey Wildfire Season: NJ Forest Fire Service and Local First Responders Working Together


For the last couple of weeks I have been reflecting on the important role that first responders e.g. -- local fire companies, police, and other local first responders -- work together with wildland firefighters from the NJ Forest Fire Service in putting out wildfires. Sometimes these smaller fires are referred to as brushfires.  In many cases, the brush fire might be on the small size, from an acre or two to ten acres or so. I know that no matter the size of the brush fire that there is often a call for mutual aid from local municipalities to help the New Jersey Forest Fire Service. Or perhaps the first responder is from the local fire company where the assistance of the New Jersey Forest Fire Service is requested. 

I have been keeping my eyes open for a report of a brushfire where local firsts responders and the New Jersey Forest Fire Service responded. I found the Facebook post about the brush fire in Mansfield Township on March 21st where a brush fire was burning in heavy downed trees requiring over three hours to contain the fire. 

I sometimes fall to acknowledge the important role of these local first responders who work with the NJ Forest Fire Service. My point with this post is to give a special shout out to all the first responders (fire companies, police, and ambulance squads) who do important work on brush fires and the larger wildfires.  The larger wildfires often make the local news outlets but not so with the smaller brush fires. 

Thank-you Tri-County Volunteer Fire Company, Mansfield Township Township Fire Company, Mansfield Township Police,  and Independence First Aid Squad for the work you did yesterday in containing this brush fire and in the case of the police department and ambulance squad in supporting the firefighters.

Monday, March 20, 2023

2023 New Jersey Wildfire Season (March20th update)

Yesterday, March 19th, there was a red flag warning covering all of New Jersey for high fire danger. I spent a little time just now first checking various news media around the area as well as NJFFS social media accounts to see what wildfire activity there was yesterday. Keep in mind, that I am likely unaware of all the smaller wildfires that may have occurred, especially those covering only a few acres. I did see a Facebook post from the New Jersey Forest Fire Service about a 30 acre wildfire in Westhampton in Burlington County.

Thanks to the NJ Forest Fire Service Section B10 for letting me know about a nice report from CBS Philadelphia about yesterday's red flag warning. In this report, Greg McLaughlin from the NJ Forest Fire Service provided some information about this years 2023 wildfire season (January and February) versus the same period in 2022. Specifically, he said that through the end of February there were 119 wildfires versus 71 during the same period last year. He spoke of the significance of a warmer winter with little snow fall. Finally he talked about what homeowners can do to prevent wildfires such as not dumping grill or fireplace ashes outside. Please take a couple of minutes to watch this report.

Friday, March 17, 2023

NWS Incident Meteorogists (IMETs): Continuity of Excellence Exercise (annual training part 2)

The annual training for NWS Incident Meteorologists (IMET) aka the Continuity of Excellence Exercise continued in Boise Idaho this week, see my March 15th article for more information.

Thanks to the IMET Operations Office and Mike Archers Wildfire News of the Day for sharing an article from KTVB in Boise Idaho about the annual IMET Continuity of Excellence Exercise. IMETs save lives!

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

NWS Incident Meteorogists (IMETs): Continuity of Excellence Exercise (annual training)

The National Weather Service (NWS) Incident Meteorologist (IMET) Operations Office is conducting their annual IMET Continuity of Excellence Exercise in Boise Idaho, annual training for IMETs. Wondering what an IMET does? According to this 2021 article on WeatherNation:

The iMet's main responsibility is to provide hyper-localized forecasts to emergency managers and first responders. Incident Meteorologists, like their National Weather Service counterparts, are using many tools according to (IMET) Mike (Ottenweller): "high resolution models, satellite, radar, whatever it is that we have, we take advantage of it, really dial it in.

Some of you might be interested in my June 2021 post "About IMETs and other fire weather services from the NWS"  where I shared a 22 minute video from the National Weather Service and the Weather Channel called Forecast Earth, Forecast the Inferno. The video is worth the time!

As I write this The IMET Continuity of Excellence Exercise is being held in person in Boise, Idaho with remote training being held next week (the week of March 20th).



Monday, March 13, 2023

Dry February in New Jersey and increased wildfire danger

 I knew from my own daily rainfall observations from my rain gage (including melted snow) that February was on the dry side but it wasn’t until I saw a March 10 article by Amanda Oglesby from the  Asbury Park Press that I fully appreciated how dry it was in New Jersey, confirming my suspicions of the possibility of increased wildfire danger. 

“'Only 1.55 inches of rain and melted snow fell on the Garden State in February, which helped create a particularly dry forest in the Pine Barrens', Robinson said. It could worsen a wildfire season officials say is getting longer.

'That was the 11th driest February on record," he said. "We go back to 1895 (in years of weather records).’

Blustery, dry conditions helped fuel the wildfire in Little Egg Harbor this week, which was quickly contained by the New Jersey Forest Fire Service at 418 acres.

Fire officials also say wildfire season, which typically runs from mid-March to mid-June, has been expanding in recent years.

‘The last three, four years, we've been seeing wildfires in February and early March and mid-March," said Chief Greg McLaughlin of the New Jersey Forest Fire Service.'"We're doing prescribed burning, and yet… we're stopping, and then we're responding to wildfires.’ (Oglesby, Amanda; March 10, 2023 Asbury Park Press"

The complete version from the Dr. Davide A. Robinson, the NJ State Climatologist reviewing February 2023 weather in New Jersey may be found on this page from the Office of the New Jersey State Climatologist.

While March seems to be getting off to a wet start according to my rain gage, who knows if the faucet will turn off leading New Jersey back to a dry period as the spring wildfire season in New Jersey continues. I applaud the wildland firefighters of the New Jersey Forest Fire Service and the various firefighters from local fire departments who responded to wildfires through mutual aid. I urge homeowners in areas such as the New Jersey Pinelands that are especially prone to wildfires to take steps to protect their homes. New Jersey homeowners will find the Firewise Communities page from the NJ Forest Fire Service useful to make their home and property safer from wildfires, in particular there is a checklist of steps homeowners can take:

  • Clean roofs and gutters of dead leaves, debris and pine needles that could catch embers
  • Replace or repair any loose or missing shingles or roof tiles to prevent ember penetration
  • Reduce embers that could pass through vents in the eaves by installing 1/8 inch metal mesh screening
  • Clean debris from exterior attic vents and install 1/8 inch metal mesh screening to reduce embers
  • Repair or replace damaged or loose window screens and any broken windows
  • Screen or box-in areas below patios and decks with wire mesh to prevent debris and combustable materials from accumulating
  • Move any flammable material away from wall exteriors - mulch, flammable plants, leaves and needles, firewood piles - anything that can burn
  • Remove anything stored underneath decks or porches.

Friday, March 10, 2023

NJ Forest Fire Service: Spring 2023 Prescribed Burning Season (March 10th)

Prescribed burning season continues in New Jersey with 11 prescribed burns that were conducted around NJ on March 9th including one in Old Bridge (Middlesex County NJ). As you can see from the embedded post below from the NJ Forest Fire Service, prescribed burning continues today, March 10th.

Thanks to the NJFFS Section B10 who posts videos on various aspects of wildland firefighting on a daily basis, I learned about a nice video from CBS2 in New York City taken from one of their helicopters over a prescribed burn in Old Bridge NJ. Now, I am not certain that the footage you will see in this short video was shot on March 9th and that may not matter, it is good footage. I loved this video because I have not seen much aerial footage of a prescribed burn. I am not sure how it came to pass that the helicopter from CBS2 in New York City was over this prescribed burn. Was it intentional or luck? If it was luck and being in the right place at the right time to get this footage, kudos to Jim Smith from CBS2 or his producers for getting good information from the NJ Forest Fire Service about their prescribed burning program.

Wednesday, March 08, 2023

2023 New Jersey Wildfire Season: Governors Branch Fire (Little Egg Harbor) contained: follow-up

Direct link to video from CBS3 in Philadelphia on YouTube (thanks to NJFFS Section B10 for the link)

Early yesterday afternoon, a wildfire was reported in Little Egg Harbor Township (Ocean County, NJ) that eventually burned 418 acres before being contained yesterday evening. See my second March 7th post of for more information. The wildfire was named the Governors Branch Wildfire because of its proximity to a Creek of the same name. I thought that some of you might be interested in the coverage by Fox29 Philadelphia about this fire. their article with a video may be found here, reporting that marshy areas near the fire helped in the containment. There were no injuries and no property damage. The cause of the wildfire is under investigation.

I do not know the precise location of the Governors Branch Fire, but I had enough information (I hope) to provide you with a couple of images from Google Earth. I have driven on the major road, Route 539 in that area of Little Egg Harbor Township in years past, so have an idea of the location.

The first image from Google Earth is an overview where I have marked some of the geography that I referenced in my first mid afternoon post yesterday.

Image taken from Google Earth on March 8, 2022

I then took what I hope is closer view of the area where the Governors Branch burned showing the Governors Branch Creek and other nearby waterways.

Image taken from Google Earth on March 8, 2022

Tuesday, March 07, 2023

2023 New Jersey Wildfire Season: wildfire in Little Egg Harbor Township contained

Earlier today I wrote about a major wildfire off of Route 539 in Little Egg Harbor Township (Ocean County NJ). I have good news to report, the NJ Forest Fire Service (NJFFS) is reporting that this fire, known as the Governor's Branch Wildfire, has been 100% contained at 418 acres. I want to thank the NJ Forest Fire Service wildland firefighters and local fire companies who provided mutual aid for a job well done on a windy day. NJFFS crews will remain on patrol through the night.


2023 New Jersey Wildfire Season: major fire in Little Egg Harbor Township (Ocean County)

Update on March 7 at 4:25 PM

The NJ Forest Fire Service is reporting that the fire has burned 125 acres with no containment. Sixteen structures are threatened and back firing operations are in place to aid in containment

I thank my friends at the NJFFS Section B10 for alerting me to a major fire burning off of County Route 53 in Little Egg Harbor Township New Jersey in Ocean County.

I understand from a post on the NJFFS Section B10 website (site updates frequently) that structure protection is in place with a potential to burn up to 450 acres. An incident command post has been set up at the Warren Gove Gunnery Range. 

Local news outlets reporting on this wildfire include News12 New Jersey and the Atlantic City Press.

Monday, March 06, 2023

NJ Forest Fire Service: Spring 2023 Prescribed Burning Season (March 6th)

The New Jersey Forest Fire Service (NJFFS) continues with prescribed burns. After doing prescribed burns on February 27th, we were in a rainy pattern through March 4th. I for one welcomed the rain, however the rainy period meant that, as far as I know, prescribed burns were not scheduled. Prescribed burning resumed on Sunday, March 5th with prescribed burns in Cumberland and Gloucester County (Southern NJ) and the following counties in central NJ (Monmouth and Ocean).

I believe that under normal circumstances the prescribed burning season in New Jersey is through March 15th. However, sometimes the NJFFS the may extend the prescribed burning season into late March if rain or snow or other weather led to delays in doing scheduled prescribed burns as long as fire weather is not too bad. 

Prescribed burns are scheduled for today, March 6th.

Direct link to March 6th post by the NJFFS on Facebook

Friday, March 03, 2023

About aerial firefighting in Sweden

 It is interesting how things happen. As I was out on my walk this morning I found myself thinking about aerial firefighting in other parts of the world. I know that aerial resources are used in globally with some companies such as Coulson and Conair supplying airtankers and helicopters to Australia and perhaps other countries in the southern hemisphere during their summer (our winter in northern climes). I know that countries in Europe user smaller air tankers so I was delighted to find a video from Saab in Sweden. You will hear  Éder Navacerrada discuss how aerial firefighting works in Sweden. It is not that different from what happens in the United States. But I enjoyed hearing about aerial firefighting in Sweden. You might want to go to the direct link below and read the about this video section for a little more information.

The video was uploaded two years ago is less than nine minutes, enjoy.

Direct link to video from Saab on YouTube

Wednesday, March 01, 2023

2022 Wildfire Season: Fire Season Highlights

When things appear to be a little quieter I am always looking for interesting wildfire videos to share with you. To that end, I was looking around YouTube just now and not quite finding what I was looking for when I came upon this video created by Forrest Moreland.  This is a highlight video from a longer video from a recent fire season. I enjoyed the videography in this video and thought you might too.

Direct link to video by Forrest Moreland on YouTube