Monday, July 08, 2024

Hurricane Hunters 2024 edition part 2

I do delve into aviation related issues that do not directly relate to wildland firefighting. One example being the important work that Hurricane Hunting aircraft to fly into hurricanes to gather important meteorological and location of tropical storms and hurricanes that are then sent to the National Hurricane Center. As many of you no doubt know from various news sources, Hurricane Beryl made landfall on the Texas Coast early this morning near Matagorda, Texas as a Catagory 1 hurricane, see this CNN report with updates for more information on how Beryl is impacting Texas including but not limited to wide spread power outages, flooding, etc.

I know that hurricane hunters have flown Beryl and have posted many videos over the years (see my posts labeled hurricane hunters). I want to draw your attention to two posts, one from June 3rd 2024 where I shared an NPR report on hurricane hunters including interviews with pilots. The second post is from July 7th, 2021 where I shared some information about hurricane hunter aircraft from NOAA and the US Air Force Reserve as well as a video of a hurricane hunter aircraft flying into a hurricane, the links in that article were still good as I posted this article. I encourage you to take a look at the two articles.

I want to share a video report from CBS17 (Raleigh, Durham, Fayetteville NC) taking you inside one of NOAA's hurricane hunters known as Kermit just before the start of the 2024 hurricane season. I want to thank all the hurricane hunters pilots and crew for the good work you do flying into hurricanes to provide the best possible information on hurricanes and tropical storms.

Direct link to video from CBS17 on YouTube

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