Saturday, June 30, 2012

Derecho hits Mid-Atlantic including south Jersey

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The winds associated with these thunderstorms were not tornadoes, rather they were straight line winds. The storm lasted about 30 minutes. I saw local storm reports on the NWS Mt. Holly webpage of winds gusting in excess of 60 mph. See this report from the Press of Atlantic City for more on the storms and its impact on southern NJ.

As I understand it from reading some information and radar images from the National Weather Service's Mt. Holly NJ Facebook Page early in the evening of June 30, the storms that hit southern NJ and points south (DE, Washington DC, VA, WV) are known as Derechos.  NOAA's Storm Prediction Center has a very thorough FAQ on Derechos, there is a lot of information with many links. You could spend quite a bit of time on the Derecho FAQ page. I'll look later to see if I can find a good video explanation of derechos and if I find one, I'll post it later.

In the meantime, I just found a short article on the derecho that hit south Jersey. And, here is a timeline of the widespread wind damage from the derecho from The Weather Channel including radar imagery.

Press of Atlantic City photo gallery

Note: some features of the NWS Mt. Holly Facebook page is freely available. If you are reading this today or tomorrow, you should be able to see the radar images that I speak of here on their wall (freely available). 

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