Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Massachusetts DCR Fire Control: Fire Towers and Tribute to Wildland firefighters

I have familial interests in Massachusetts, and always have a soft spot for Massachusetts. So, when something comes from Mike Archer's Wildfire News of the Day relating to Massachusetts, as happened the other day, I pay attention. For those of you interested in fire towers, Massachusetts still uses fire towers, at least on Cape Cod. As an aside, as some of you know, Cape Cod like New Jersey, has a Pine Barrens (scrub oak and pines). The NPR affiliate on Cape Cod (WCAI) had a three-minute piece on their radio network on fire towers in Cape Cod, you may go here for the audio report and some pictures.

I went to Youtube to see what I could find in the way of videos about fire towers on Cape Cod, when I came across a nice video from Jim Cunningham, "A Tribute to the Ma. DCR Forest Fire Control." I enjoyed watching this video, I think but am not certain that some of the images you see may be from Cape Cod. The Massachusetts DCR has been providing services to prevent, detect, and suppress wildfires since 1911. From their about this video description:
The Bureau is an active participant with all municipal fire departments in this endeavor. It also enjoys close cooperation with county and local forest warden committees, town and city foresters, state and local law enforcement agencies, and the Commonwealth's county and statewide civil defense and mutual assistance organizations. The early detection of forest fires is a key part of the Bureau's overall effort.

Direct link to Video from Jim Cunningham

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