Wednesday, October 21, 2020

2020 wildfire season: 2020 Idaho Hotshots crew video

It is the time of year when wildfire crews are starting to release their 2020 crew videos. As y'all know,  I like crew videos. In a small way, they are giving us a brief look into their world for the 2020 fire season. Not only do we get a sense of what I call the "personality of the crew" and some of the fun they have, but more importantly we get to know what they do on the fireline. This up close look at what they do on the fireline gives me a very brief, but important view that I would not be able to see in any other way. 

The first video up is a long, nineteen minutes, but the time went quickly. In the first part of the video, we met the individual members of the Idaho Hotshots. And yes, there were some nice shots of air tanker support where I also noted that some of the areas where they were working had been treated with retardant. This exemplifies that tankers and helos fly fires to support the wildland firefighters on the ground. The rest of the video was taken up with shots of the crew working the fire. I am always open to learning, and I always learn something about wildland firefighting through crew videos. This video, because of its length, provides a good example of what the Idaho Hotshots do. I hope you take the time to watch the entire video.

Direct link to video uploaded by Krossed Saints

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