Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Reflections and thanks to sources and people who help me with this blog

For reasons that I won’t go into,, I have thought often about what I try to do on this blog over the last few days. I am grateful to know of reliable resources that I can turn to from those who have more hands on knowledge of wildland fire fighting than I do. Two sites come to mind that I check out on an almost daily basis, the first one is the two websites of Bill Gabbert, Wildfire Today and Fire Aviation. He does good reporting and because I believe that he had some background in wildland, he has some first hand knowledge that I do not. His firsthand knowledge adds credence to his reporting. Then there is Mike Archers Wildfire News of the Day (WNOTD)  a five day a week e-mail where he culls together articles on wildland fires from around the world. As appropriate, I will turn to state agencies responsible for wildland firefighting and related social media (for example as a NJ resident I often refer to the NJ Forest Fire Service and the NJ Forest Fire Service Facebook and Twitter accounts), national resources such as Inciweb and the Geographic Area Coordination Centers, and local media for the area where a specific wildfire is occurring. It took me some time to learn about some of these resources and I am certain that there are some resources and other blogs on wildland firefighting that I am not aware of. 

There are many individuals in the wildland firefighting business who have taken an interest in and supported me over the years that I have been doing this blog including those of you who quietly read my blog. You answer my questions. When I have failed to be correct, you let me know so I can make a correction. Without you, this blog would not be possible.


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