Friday, June 07, 2024

Friday Fun: Nightime Aerobatics in a Twin Beech 18

 A while back I read a book (I'll Take the 18 by Scott H Gloodt) on freight flying in a Twin Beech 18 where I felt like I got to know the Beech 18 through the pilot author. When I was looking for a fun aviation video to share this week for "Friday Fun" I ran across a couple of videos of Twin Beech Aerobatics flown by Matt Younkin. To learn about the Twin Beech 18 that Matt Younkin flies go to the aircraft page on his website. The video that I am embedding here shows Matt flying a Twin Beech 18 doing night time aerobatics at the 2023 TBM Avenger Reunion.

Direct link to video by AirShowStuffVideos on YouTube

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