Sunday, July 08, 2007

And simple joys

Lest I get too melancoly, there were the simple joys that I witnessed:

The joy in Don and Mary's voice as they talked about the hope that ARVs have given to all those living with HIV in Malawi. When they first started to come to Malawi, they would visit those sick with HIV/AIDS. When they went back, these same people were dead. Now, they came back this year, and see that people are no longer dying.

The joy in the faces of the children as they mug for the camera and the delight in their faces as they see there picture in the digital camera.

The wonderful singing that we witnessed, as children in many places we visited sang and danced to greet and welcome us.

On that rainy Saturday in a very remote and very poor area of rural southern Malawi we visited an Anglican service. Not only was the singing beautiful, but there really was a sense of peace and joy. People who had nothing, literally nothing finding peace and joy in their God.

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