Monday, July 16, 2007

Doing other things while processing Malawi trip

I am still here, but have found the need to hold off on writing about Malawi while I continue to process all that I experienced. So, for the last few days I have spent time catching up with chores around the house and in my home office, resuming my exercise program, as well as branching out to learn some computer programming languages.

I am getting ready to resume blogging about my Malawi trip. Look for something in a day or two.


SueU said...

Tyler, I have finally caught up to your postings and want to thank you for the vivid, sensitive and compassionate musings you provided. I doubt that I will ever make to that part ofthe world but I am glad to have been given the chance to learn about the life and reality those gentle people experience.
AS you said there may not be a lot one person can do to make a change but just having your eyes and hopefully heart opened to the needs of others is a step. Your writing is a gift and perhaps a catalyst for change others may be more able to provide. Perhaps your role is Messenger.
Anyway, thanks for the sharing and I look forward to more to come. We are proud of what you did and happy to have you home!
I second Christy's request for a modeling of the skirt you bought!

Random Ramblings NJ said...


I too am happy to home. And am full of gratitude for your support, as well as the support of all of you wonderful people who read my blog, whether or not you post.
