Monday, August 08, 2011

B-17 and B-25 over AZ

H5 - WWII Bombers over Arizona Landscape from H5 Productions on Vimeo.

Here is a nice video showing a restored B-17 and B-25 in action over Arizona. I thought that this would be a nice way to wrap up the series of the B-17's service as a tanker. For more on the video, see this vimeo page. If I am not mistaken, both aircraft in this video are owned by the Arizona Wing of the Commemorative Air Force. If that is the case, then the B-17 that you are seeing is Sentimental Journey formerly seeing service as a fire bomber for Aero Union.

This is one of my favorite videos. Enjoy.

Added on February 1, 2017. I had to make a couple of changes to get the embed code to the video to work, it should now work in your browser. If it does not, just click on H5 - WWII Bombers over Arizona Landscape to go to the vimeo page where you can watch the video

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