Wednesday, April 15, 2020

About smokejumpers: McCall Smoke jumpers

During the time that I have been sheltering in place during this pandemic, I continue to spend time on this blog. Part of this time includes catching up on some of my wildland fire related reading. I have been reading books by smokejumpers about their experiences fighting wildfires. I have learned a lot. I am still trying to figure if I can incorporate what I am learning into this blog. Perhaps some kind of reflection piece that is not necessarily a book review. I don't claim that reading will make me any kind of expert, rather through their words, I am given a peak into their world.

In the meantime, as I am not quite ready to write any kind of reflection piece based on what I have been reading, I went online to look at videos about smoke jumping. I found these two that I looked, both about McCall Smoke jumpers. I like the videos because I can see some pictures of what I have been reading about. Enjoy.

The first video is about rookie training. If you get an error on trying to play this embedded video, click the link below, it should work.

Direct link to video on Youtube by the Interagency Fire Center

The second video is a more general introduction to the McCall Smokejumpers that includes rookie training.

Direct link to video by On Final Productions

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