Wednesday, May 25, 2022

videos of airtankers and a chinook

I don't have to tell you that the 2022 wildfire season is well under way in many parts of the United States, e.g. New Mexico (see Bill Gabbert's May 20th article on Wildfire Today) and Texas (see Bill Gabbert's May 21st article on Wildfire Today). I am sure that many of you have seen various images of airtankers, helicopters and chinooks on social media and news outlets. As I am not in a position at the moment to share reliable information on tankers, helicopters and chinooks on contract, I wanted to do something to acknowledge the important work that they do to support wildland firefighters on the ground, so I am sharing three videos with you.

The first video is a five minute video showcasing Aeroflite's CL-415 Scoopers uploaded by Michael Redwine.

Here is a short clip of Aeroflite's tanker 160 (RJ85) working a wildfire from Randy Joanson

And finally a nice 5-minute video of Coulson's Chinooks working wildfires. 

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