Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A little of this and a little of that

Douglas A-26 Invader
I wrote a series on the Douglas A-26 Invader a little over a month ago. I continue to do research on the Douglas A-26's service as a tanker in the U.S. and in Canada. I have been having a blast doing so. I still have a couple of irons in the fire, so to speak, so it will be awhile longer before I post the series on the A-26 as a tanker. As some of you no doubt know, the A-26 served as a tanker in Canada for a many years. I have enjoyed learning a little bit more about wildland firefighting in Canada, and at the same time, I am learning a bit of geography. I have had the privilege of some old and new friends who have flown the A-26 who have been helping me. Thank-you.

Spring Fire Season in NJ
We had a couple of days of rain the end of last week which I believe helped to calm things down for a bit. While things may have been a little quieter for the last few days, we all know that fire danger can change quickly this time of year.  The SEATs continue on contract in all three divisions in NJ, the ending date depending on the division, see the schedule at the right of this blog. Here is an article on the spring wildfire season and what we can do to reduce wildfire risk, from North Jersey dot com.

Prescribed Burns
The prescribed burn season here in New Jersey was over in March before the SEATS went on contract. However, I'd like to share a nice article that recently came across my electronic desk on the importance of prescribed burns in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, go to this Philly dot com article.

Speaking of prescribed burns, it is now or will soon be prescribed burn season in Vermont.  Apparently, at least in the central and southern part of Vermont, prescribed burn season is for two weeks only. Vermont is near and dear to my heart, so I do try to look out for news on anything related to wildfire activity including but not limited to prescribed articles. For more information on planned prescribed burns in Vermont read this article from the Bennington Banner.

Scenic flights
I don't write much about the scenic flights I take with some wonderful pilots. I try to go up every three weeks but that doesn't always work out. For various reasons, it has been about six weeks since I went on my last flight. It has been too long. I have been itching to get back in the air for a couple of weeks now. If everything works out, I hope to go on another scenic flight early next week. Looking forward to that.

The Not So Mundane
Spring is here and with spring comes spring chores, planting, and gardening. And the never ending weeding. I am in the process of getting estimates for a new roof, exciting, huh? 

And the best part about spring? Baseball. :)

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